Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Bush goes down in 2004

Let me put this as delicatly as I possibly can. I hate that bastard Bush with all the fibers of my being. Is that subtle enough? I mean I don't want to see anything permanent happen to the guy but to see him fall off a plane or puke on a Japanese dignitary, that would bring great happiness to my heart. The bastard is going to get reelected (and I use the term elected very loosely) mark my words. I said it here way the hell back in May. Because America is stupid enough to want that dumb trailer trash wanna be back in office because he liters his speeches with words like GOD and FREEDOM. America is a sucker for that shit. The truth of the matter is Bush don't give a tinkers damn about truth, god, or freedom. It's so easy to lie to people when you make it socialy undesireable for them to disagree with you. Bush uses this tactic to unbelievable effect. If you disagree with Bushs policies it suddenly makes you somehow unpatriotic, unamerican, and worst of all A LIBERAL!!! UGHHH!!! Somehow the right has successfully demonized liberals as godless heathenistic traitors. Yeah the liberals seek to destroy this country by letting homos get married and legalizing pot. The funny thing is that Democrats have been lumped in with the liberals. Not that that is so bad but I am telling you to group far left wing liberals with mainstream democrats, is to say that all Republicans think like Tim Mcveigh. Yeah Sean Hannity when he mentions the party of Lincoln conveniently forgets its also the party of Mcveigh. I listen to Hannity on occasion and am always treated to a rant or two. The man is supposedly educated. I would expect him to respect his audience a little better than try to pass off hearsay as truth. He's no better than Rush Limbald. The first sign that the whole western society is going to hell in a handbasket is that people need to have their egos propped up by mouthpieces on the radio that keep pounding into their heads that they are better than someone else. Hitler did that to the Jews and now Rush and Sean are trying to instill that same kind of hatred and selfimportance to their audiences. Oh I forgot one. G Gordon Liddy. The man advocates genocide of the Palestinians. He is perhaps the most hateful of the three. Blowhards all.


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