Thursday, May 20, 2004

Screw the Jews!!!!!

Man the damn Israelis don't give up do they?!! I mean shooting 4 tank shells and strafing a crowd of thousands of unarmed civilians?!! Lots of them children?!! They killed those people as an example. It was planned and the scary thing is that it is also accepted by most of the western world. No wonder those people blow themselves up. Don't get me wrong. I hate the Palestinians too. There isn't any excuse for them to blow up buses either but the people blowing up buses are a small minute segment of the Palestinian population. Most of Israels attacks on innocents is done by their own damn military! It't government sanctioned and in my opinion that makes that goverment evil. Ours isn't much better. I mean the Israelis level and apartment complex to kill one man. We (being the US) level and apartment complex in Falluja killing 60 just to make a point. We as Americans are just along for the ride and only if They say so. Right now you can be put in prison indefinatly by your goverment with no trial no lawyer......they don't even have to acknowledge they have you. Just say you are plotting something and that is justification enough. Our liberties don't have to be sacrificed to ensure our security. How much border and internal security does 152 billion dollars buy. How much safety can be provided by 150000 troops. If you don't know I'll tell you. ALOT. How many of those troops would have died actually defending our freedom here in the US. Because you know our troops are dying for nothing. Absolutely nothing. If they were over here then it would be our freedom they defend but over there they are just fulfilling a political wish from mister Bush. To avenge his fathers embarassment. To grease the palms of Cheneys and Wolfowitzs defense contractors. To secure the second largest oil reserves into the hands of a puppet goverment friendly to the United States. To appear the warrior without getting in harms way. Kind of like back in Vietnam when Bushs then congressmans father got his son into the Texas Air National Guard ahead of 500 other applicants. Guess who else go into the TANG the very day Bush Jr. did? Thats right! 7 Dallas Cowboy Football Players! Hmmmmmmmmm! Wonder if there was some shenanigans going on that day!? Seems pretty obvious to me but to dorks like Sean Hannity and the like, it's as if they have given up on reality.


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