Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bill O'reilly needs to go to fucking hell

I hope this mother fucker chokes and dies on his own puke. Yes I can say that because I hate this fucker. Hes the worst kind of human being. He destroys peoples reputations, he calls people anti american, questions their patriotism, stumps for a war that he will never have to give any blood to, and then acts like hes fucking unbiased. Fucking lies to our faces about him being beholden to these republican assholes. Now Mr. Oreilly is not the one that I am really mad at. I am fuckin pissed at the policy makers that lied to us, made up information, cherry picked intel, and played on the fucking stupidity of the general population, to get us into a war that they believed would be over quickly. They miscalculated and thousands of people are dead. This is a fucking disaster and this prick O'reilly has the nerve to defend it. My son is going to be old enough to be sent to war soon, and he may indeed be sent due to media ASSHOLES like Oreilly that get people all stirred up over BULLSHIT and lies! People need to start telling the truth in this country. I just told some truth. I want Mr. Oreilly and others of his cast to get the fuck off the radio. Off my fuckin TV. Stop telling your lies. Stop supporting garbage that you know to be untrue. People need to be held accountable for their actions. People are more concerned about American Idol than they are about the course their country has taken! SHAME ON YOU AMERICA! You have turned your backs on your young people. Make the young people pay for the dept you build today. Make the young people fight a war just so YOUR GUY BUSH WON"T LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN DICKHEAD!!!!! Shame on you America. Shame on you and your fucking preoccupation with BULLSHIT!!!! It's time for people to become aware and make a fucking stand. I want my country back. I want my country to stand for justice. I want it to stand for fairness. Not prison camps in undesclosed locations. Not torture. Not cowboy blowhard cowards that have never known what it is to serve their country. Liberty thrives in the light of day. If you push it into the dark corners of oppression it will fucking die.


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