Monday, January 30, 2006

Indigo Children are begging to be pooped on

Indigo children...................what the hell is this crap!? When I first saw it, I thought it was some kind of Psychic Friends garbage, but evidently there are packs of parents out there that have brainwashed their children into thinking they have supernatural powers. You know. The village of the damned type shit. Being able to see auras around people. Reading minds. Having exceptional talents like.........playing the piano? Wow. Pardon me if I am less than impressed. There are evidently special schools that take these children and nurture their "skills". Now on the Indigo Children website they talk about what these children are. Evidently these children just showed up. That is there haven't been any in previous generations. Most are typicly under 8 years old. Most if not all seem to me to be white. Funny isn't it. Anyway. They say something about them being overly sensitive and their auras being of an Indigo color and that it's typical of the Third Eye of Chakara...... now this is starting to sound kinda quacky to me. It goes on to say that they are wise beyond their years and are academicly gifted, gifted in the arts, very empathetic, possibly very cold and callus. It says they are misdiagnosed as bi polar and with ADD. Then to help all these parents out they give a list of criteria that indicates that their child may INDEED be one of these superkids. Some of the obvious indications that they list are, 1. Did your child enter the world acting like royalty........... I can't comment on this because I don't know what the fuck it means. 2. Does your child feel he/she deserves to be here..........again no clue. 3. Does your child have trouble with authority...well on this note I can say that my children must be mega indigos because they won't listen to a fuckin word I say. It goes on....... does your child find standing in line to be torture.....? Well didn't they have rope lines at the Inquisition? Go to any bank and you will always see some poor bastard standing there with a kid swinging/knocking over/unhooking the ropes. All kids/adults/human beings hate lines. Are you fucking kidding? They aren't. Does your child refuse to submit to guilt trips? Does your child refuse to do what they are told.... ie "Do your homework or I'm gonna beat ya!" Does your child have intuition? Does your child have wise looking eyes? What the fuck?! Come on! These people are on dope. They are raiding their own childs Ritalin stash. Anyway there are alot of questions and if you answer yes to 10 of them then your child is probably an indigo if they answered 15 yes then definately. For one thing most of the questions have no answer. They are opinions of crap that most people don't even believe in. Like do you think your child is psychic? I for one believe the world is full of psychos but I have yet to meet one single psychic. That's not to say there aren't any I just find the entire concept dubious. I understand that parents want to be proud of their children. I love when my kids do well and succeed and I hurt when sometimes they fail. As a parent when your child "fails" at something you feel like you did something wrong or didn't give them what they needed to achieve. As a normal person I try and find solutions to the problem so that when presented with the dilemma again the child is better equipped to cope and given the best possible chance of success. What these people are doing is looking for excuses that ARE NOT THEIR FAULT! If their kids are doing badly in school its obviously because they are an Indigo child and are superior to other kids! It's not their fault! The math they are doing is too structured and they would be better suited working on a sculpture or developing cold fusion! My childs behavior problems are simply explained! He bucks authority due to his infinite understanding of the universe due to his being an Indigo child. Not because he's a spoiled brat! Well these parents need to get a fuckin grip and begin not to make excuses for their child being "misunderstood". I feel sorry for these kids. They are being predisposed to being weird. Looking at superstition and the paranormal as normal conditions of the planet. Auras and PKE meters. There are links to Tarot cards and Orbs on their site so you can see where these people are comming from. They have no physical or scientific evidence to what they are passing as fact. It's like Cleo or Deon Warwick and her Psychic Fiends network. Dumbasses money spends just as good as anything else I guess. Cash that check you fuckin assholes.


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