Thursday, January 26, 2006

Don't feed the Bill O'reilly

God as if it weren't bad enough, now we have to listen to this fuck go on and on about how HE shaped the judicial system in Vermont with just his sheer WILL! Now I really hated the fact that that guy was getting off pretty easy. I mean the judge makes sense in what he was saying. Pointless to send a pedofile to prison for umpteen years if he's just going to get out and still be a threat. I mean you might as well just put the .357 Mag to their brainstem and make a wish right? Well that's what they should do but in our so called "society" we can't do that. Well Bill and his buttfuck friends over at Faux News are going to take credit for Standing up for JUSTICE!!! and getting this done. This will only encourage this assholes narcissistic behaviour. He launches these crusades and usually without question, they are beyond pointless. The way he has launched into Hip Hop music. More than likely he just doesn't like the music, moreover, black people in general. He wants people to not drink Pepsi because they use Ludacris as their spokesman. He wants us not to buy anything French due to him not liking France. What most Americans don't know is that the French have their little fingers in alot of American staples. From BF Goodrich to Michellin. From Car and Driver to Parents Magazine. From Nissan to Motel 6, the French own it. You probably ate, rode on, wore, or read something French today and didn't even realize it. Your really making a dent Bill. You ignorant fuck. You want to boycott someone who don't like us? Stop driving your fucking car. The French are fucking harmless. We don't get all pissed at Norway for not sending money and troops to Iraq. We just use France as some kind of hostility magnet because we know that alot of Americans hate the French and we want to paint those that disagree with us with as unfavorable a light as possible. As if France would dedicate its superior military might to the Iraq problem and it would have made any difference. We are better off with them at home! At least we don't have to count on them for anything. This is just more evidence at how easily Americans can be manipulated. God we're retarded.


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