Friday, May 21, 2004

Just when you think you have heard it all

Just when you think that the prison scandal couldn't get any more disgusting, the talking heads, namely Sean Hannity Rush Limbaugh and Jim Bohanan, are beginning to try to justify what they have seen. Mr. Hannity says that the tortures endured by these Iraqi men, women, and, yes in a few cases, children, are nothing compared to getting your head chopped off or being burned alive in the world trade center. Well for one thing no Iraqis were responsible for the 911 tragedy. Second the people who chopped of Mr. Bergs head were from fuckin Jordan. So now justify it to me. Assholes. They really think we are stupid. I think we must be do a certain degree because if you listen to the rush and hannity shows the next day you hear verbatim their words comming out of other peoples mouths. I prefer to come up with my own conclusions after looking at facts. These people make up a "fact" derived from a 10 second sound byte on Faux News. Limbald says that he saw nothing in the pictures and videos that he couldn't see at a Britney Spears or a Maddonna concert. I dunno but I don't think I ever heard of a 15 year old boy getting sodomized by a US Army Soldier at a Britany Spears concert. Of course I've never been to a Britany Spears concert so who knows. Then there is the whole issue of people demanding an apology from Mr. Bush over the abuses. First of all if anyone is going to apologize it needs to be him. The buck stops here and all that. If it wasn't for his administrations lack of planning this would have never happend to begin with. Then you hear the call from Liddy Limbald Hannity and the like that NO ONE APPOLOGIZED FOR 911....please. You aren't going to get an apology from Bin Ladden. And if you did would it make everything ok?


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