Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I wipe my ass with David Blaines lame ass shit

Today I was at lunch and was almost brought to regurgitation listening to some guy go on and on about seeing that show street magic. "David Blaine is of the Devil"' he'd say. We'll this naive 40 something is one of the more stupid fucks at my work place. For whatever reason it seems that people that are in their late 40's having small children, his child is 4, they seem to me to be dumbasses. What the hell did they wait so fucking long for? Are they waiting to facilitate amazing careers? This guy is working for the railroad! Thats not it. He just didn't get married till he was old because he was an asshole. Now his wife, who is also 40 something and probably an asshole, is just getting around to having kids because no other man would impregnate her all these years. You see them all the time. There are several at my workplace. All of them seem to be about 20 to 3o years older than they actually are. I think it's due to them living with their parents till they were 35. Anyway! "David Blaine is from the Devil". Puuu fuckin leeze!!!! That mind freak guy wipes his ass with David Blaines crap. For one thing. It's on TV. How many times did he fuck his tricks up that people didn't see. Also that levitation thing? I have seen people do it that are every bit as good at it as Mr. Blaine. And by the way once I found out how it's done I discovered how fuckin LAME it really is. Downright gay! Now the mindfreak dude his crap I really don't know how he does it but I am convinced he's probably more full of shit than David Blaine due to him being even more over the top and melodramatic!


Blogger Chris W. McCarty said...

Funny how people somehow view "of the devil" as the primary synonym to "unexplained."

9:52 PM  

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