Thursday, February 02, 2006

Laura Ingram.....what a bitch

On with the asshole parade! Sleep has tempered my words a little. I no longer wish for Mr. Oreillys untimely death at the hands of his own puke. I do however wish for his finacial and professional ruin. I usually spend little time on smalltime like Laura but today you are in for a treat. Laura was a speech writer for the Reagan administration. Went to lawschool and then was a lawclerk for Clarence Thomas for a little while. Worked as a criminal defense lawyer for white collar criminals. What do all of these things have in common? Well she worked for criminals her entire career! This woman is really really small. Not because she just got over Chemo small. Shes just small. Her hate is really big though. I get the unfortunate privledge of listening to her a few minutes while I'm on lunch. That adds up to a whole whopping 3 or 4 minutes before I have to turn the bitch off. I usually turn Hannity or Oreilly off in frustration about them being such fucking assholes. I turn Laura off because she's just so annoying! She has these skits I guess you'd call them that she always plays. She's not funny at all. Well shes funny to other assholes I guess. She had an ongoing skit going one time about people pitching ideas for a movie? Doesn't even sound remotely interesting does it? She had a thing where she had people call in and comment on the vagina monologues....evidently the people listening have as little a sense of humor as Laura does because the only thing they could come up with was poop jokes and toilet sounds. Boy my kindergardener could not have come up with that! Well the entire show is like that. Dim witted comments on liberals that I guess Laura hates that you have NEVER HEARD OF. I guess Laura must be the high brow character assassin. She plays this music that can only be described as college music. Bad college music. This woman graduated from college in 1986. The bitch is old. Shes like that 40 year old fat chick in the Extera that drives around the Walmart parking lot with the Backstreet Boys playing at full volume. MAN SHES COOL!!! No wait...............shes not. I really can't elevate my hatred of Laura Ingram to the level that I have for Sean Hannity and Bill Oreilly. I actually think people listen to them. Shes more like a Michael Savage or an Anne Coulter. So fucking stupid that I know noone takes them seriously. So let the bitch write books that noone in their right mind would read. Let her screetch on the radio. I know that most Americans have never heard her name. And that is what I get the most satisfaction out of. Knowing that she is giving her best shot and for the most part people are just not listening.


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