Monday, February 06, 2006

Steelers haters are cool........for me to poop on!

Number one thing I have to clear up is Super Bowls usually suck. I mean do people watch Monday Night Football if their team is not playing? Usually not. I for one am a Steelers fan. Not so much a football fan. I can't just pick up and watch a game just for the joy of it. If it's not the Steelers playing, I watch because it affects their division or the playoff race. Otherwise I could care less. Usually the Superbowl is crap for me. The difference this year is the Steelers were in it and I had a stake. SO! That being said, the Superbowl still sucked. Other than the Steelers winning that is. It was a typical game for the Steelers I felt. The defense did a good job containing the NFL MVP. Hasselback threw alot of little short passes that got alot of yards. But only one touchdown. I keep hearing from buttfucks on Cold Pizza that the Seahawks got robbed. That the receiver didn't push off. Well actually they don't say he DIDN't push off. They just say that you don't call that in a super bowl................Well when the fuck do you call it dumbass!? They also complained about the Hasselback being called for blocking below the waist.......well they have been calling it all season. Why get pissed now? Alan Faneca got called for it on an interception return against the Bengals back in December. How an offensive player gets called for an illegal block is fuckin beyond me, BUT they have been calling it all year so quitcherbitchin! Ben Rothlesbergers TD run was in fact a TOUCHDOWN! I am watching it. I see him go in. The dipshits from cold pizza are fueling this Bullshit convention thats going on. If a lace from the ball crosses the PLANE OF THE GOAL LINE which is to say that if the ball crosses into the white line AT ALL, it's a touchdown. Now during the season I saw this one go both ways. I saw balls that obviously crossed over the plane be ruled no touch while others were. Not to mention that it was only 3rd down! They could have went for it again or kicked a field goal. Either way Ben was in. No question. The thing is that the NFC sucks. Has sucked for a good many years. How else can you explain how the NFC still loses the game when the AFC team plays so lousy? I for one didn't think the Steelers had their best game. The effort was there but it just didn't translate into a really good performance. Seattle did look more in sync, but only between the 30 yard lines. After that they fell the fuck apart. People are acting like Seattle played this masterful game. They missed two very makeable field goals. Hasselback got sacked and hurried all day. He threw a pick, should have been two. Alexander didn't wow me. He spent most of the game sitting. The Seattle defense got totally fooled on the end around pass. The Steelers do that shit all the time and for some reason the Seahawks appeared to be totaly caught off guard. Fast Willie Parker won the running back duel comming up with a TD and his 75 yard run. The Steelers did what they do best. They got the lead and then sat on it. Now granted all this BS talk about Seattle being robbed would not be happening if Ben had not thrown the pick at the goal line. The score would have been 21 to 3 and Seattle would have been toast. But Ben kept them in it. The reason that the two turnovers didn't hurt Pittsburgh too badly was due to the fact that the first one was intercepted inside the 10 and Seattle didn't do jack with it. By the time the second INT happened Pittsburgh was up by 11 points and it ended up not influencing the outcome of the game. Bottom line is most people cannot appreciate a good game. The only game they like to watch is if a team they like is in it. Sports analysts for whatever reason suck whorishly on Tom Bradys cock. They love that fucker. They like Ben but if he doesn't perform flawlessly they start bagging on him even if he wins. The way they talked about him after the Jets playoff game last year was indicative of that. Brady has a horrible game against the Broncos and they finaly lay the wood to him. Ben had a good game against the Seahawks. Not great. But Hasslebacks game wasn't very good either. They were both good enough to win but untimately as you know there can be only one winner and Pittsburgh is it. It all comes down to the fact that when you say the name of a city, say.......Las Vegas! You think fun! You think good weather. When you say Miami you think beaches! When you say the name Detroit! People automaticly think of factories, cold and crime. Hardly the place for a wholesome thing like the superbowl! I mean you can't even look at a breast during a superbowl. We have to reserve that time for beer and erectile disfunction commercials. This superbowl had all the earmarks of a stinker before we even knew who was in it. The only thing that could have saved it, in the eyes of sports writers anyway, was if Tom Brady had sat in the press box and let all the reporters blow him at half time. They were pissed from the getgo because their normaly fun filled January vacation was not going to be in San Diego or Miami. It was going to be in Detroit. Alot of sports writers didn't even go to the damn game! Well FUCK YOU! The game isn't about you! Your personal feelings about not being able to party as much should not enter into how you report on a game! Then the build up begins, trashtalk, and all the crap. I was as tired of the Super Bowl buildup as I was about the Alito hearings. Just play the fuckin game already! There should not be a two week gap between the championship games and the Super Bowl. When the game starts you are so tired of hearing about the game and how these assholes, half of which never touched a football in their lives, parse every aspect of the game into some kind of stat. NO MATTER HOW TRIVIAL! I don't care to hear about the life and times of the Seahawks mascot. By the time the game comes it is unable to meet up to the expectations and everyone bags on it. To fix this the superbowl should be played in the best teams home arena. Corporate and press assholes should not be allowed to be at the games, or at least not any more of them than are at a normal playoff game. The seats should be filled with people that supported the teams all year. Actual Seahawk and Steelers fans should be there. Just like a playoff game. The Super Bowl loses its intensity with the crowd being watered down with all these casual observers. But this wont happen. It won't happen because the NFL deems that this event be exactly the way it appears. Bland. It's for making money and that is it. Wow it's funny how a common theme appears. Christmas, the Super Bowl, anything worth participating in, is ruined due to corporate interests getting involved and maximizing their profits. Hmmmmm. That is what we are told supposedly makes America great. I really don't buy into that.


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