Sunday, February 19, 2006

Is there any doubt we have a cardboard cutout for a president?

My God. Can you believe this shit. I have heard crap over the last few years that sounds so much like conspiracy garbage. The Bush administration actually hiring (and paying of course) columnists to promote them in their colums. The Bush administration/Karl Rove paying great sums of money to organizations such as the Swift Boat Vets For Truth to slander opponents with lies. And now. A whitehouse press corp journalist has been exposed as being a GOP operative? Jeff Gannon is the alter ego of one JD Guckert working for GOP USA. He made a webpage called Talon News and somehow got a press pass with his false identity. He then went to press conferences and read questions straight out of the GOP handbook. What the hell is this all about?! How the hell did he get past security in this post 9/11 world. He was within yards of the president with a fake press ID!!!!! Well the only answer to that is he was allowed to do so with Whitehouse approval. This president cannot stand on his own. When he is left to his own devices he looks alot like Terri Shiavo. Just a blank slate. It reminds me of watching the Manchurian Candidate. The scary thing is that all of these incidents really happened. They are continuing to happen and noone seems to care. Without this network of crutches, the president would fold up like a cheap suit.


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