Monday, February 06, 2006

Seahawks lost get over it

Seahawks fans everywhere take heart. If your program is worth a damn, you guys will have another oportunity at a superbowl within the next 5 years or so. I mean you are practicaly guaranteed a playoff spot for the next decade. The Cardinals, St. Louis and San Franciso make up your pathetic division. You guys will rule the roost! So quit whining. Quit bitchin and take it like men. The Raiders got hosed in the AFC championship game a few years ago. Remember the tucking incident? What did they do? They went to the super bowl the next year thats what! You think if you sit around and cry like little bitches your ever going to do anything? Pittsburgh lost 3 AFC Championship games before it finally won one. You guys think you are gonna go 20 some years without even a playoff birth and win it on your first try? You need to take your lumps. What we had yesterday was a team that could not take advantage of the oportunities before it. The officials called a tight game. They had 7 penalties for 70 yards called on them. That's not exactly officals gone wild. The guy pushed off. The tape shows him pushing off. Period. The guys on TV say, "Yeah he was pushing off but it was ticky tacky." Come on. You can't hook a guy around his neck. IT'S HOLDING! All you dumbasses can say the officials lost the game for the Seahawks but you are missing all the stupid shit they did to contribute to their loss. The poor clock management. Not having the balls to go for it on fourth and an inch. Missing two field goals. Throwing an interception inside the redzone. Not being prepared for a play that Pittburgh has ran in their last 5 games! That end around pass is a staple of their offense and the Seahawks didn't see it coming. Stevens dropping 3 big passes. Catching two near touchdowns out of bounds! ALLOWING A 75 YARD TOUCHDOWN RUN!!!!! The officials didn't have a bearing on any of the events I just mentioned. The Steelers won the game. I'm getting pissed off that for whatever reason people feel so sorry for the Seahawks that they are trying to take away from what the Steelers accomplished. Saying they feel "dirty" that the Steelers won. THAT'S BULLSHIT. If the game had been close then I could understand the sour grapes but it wasn't even fucking close! It wasn't gonna be a barnburner. The Steelers offense is not set up that way. Bill Cower tried to put a stompin on the Hawks but Ben was a jackass and threw the pick that allowed you guys even a small chance at victory. So quit your belly aching. You lost. Get over it.


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