Monday, May 01, 2006

The "Immigrants" can officially fuck themselves

Ok. I have heard it. This nation was built by immigrants blah blah blah. Well in case you haven't noticed, it's not the 1890s. We don't need any railroads built. What we do need are these self entitled assholes to get the fuck out. I really don't give a shit if some rich fucks won't be able to find nannys. I really don't care if the apples get to be 5 bucks a piece. I really don't care if some poor fuck from Mexico starves to death. I really don't. I have to worry about me and mine. They wouldn't give up their families well being for mine so I will be damned if I am going to be forced to accept these leeches into our backyards. Am I racist? No. What I am is tired of people comming here thinking that we owe them a living. There are enough Americans out there that think that way already. We need a wall. We need to enforce our borders. If borders were not important, then we wouldn't have them now would we? We need to stop these buisnesses from hiring people just because they are free to take advantage of them. Any factory that shut down today because their illegal immigrant population of workers did not come in, need to be shut down and the owners fined. Fined so heavily that they will lose their fortunes.


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