Thursday, April 06, 2006

Still surprised at Bush after all these years?

More and more about our pal W comes out over time, and people actually have the nerve to be surprised. It came out today that George himself authorized the leaking of Valarie Plames identity. All at the prodding of Dick Cheney of course. Mr. Libby was instructed by his bosses to release information in an attempt to discredit Joe Wilson. You would think that this would be a newsbomb. You would think that this story would explode on the news and people would finally say, "You know? That Bush is a liar! I'm not gonna trust his kind anymore." Did you hear? Did you see? Nope. Not much of a ripple at all. People have been getting beaten over the head with Bushs lies for almost 6 years now, and they don't seem to care.


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