Monday, April 10, 2006

Most Republicans are assholes

I was listening to a segment on some Bill Ohreally hate site and I heard him talking about some new tell all book about Laura Bush. In this book supposedly it is revealed that Laura Bush SMOKES!!! Oh the bad girl! I mean come on. Is this some feeble attempt to make it look as if Mrs. Bush is in fact NOT some brain dead, unblinking, smile machine? To make it look as if she can breathe without having GW tell her to? Well either way, I don't care. I hope the bitch smokes alot more. I will send her a carton a day if that's what it takes. The thing that I really took exception to however was not the attempt to prove that Laura Bush is human. It was their attempt to try and make her into Jackie Kennedy. Supposedly, when Bush got to the Whitehouse, there was spraypaint on the walls, there was vandalism, there was semen on the carpet. For the love of God! The hethens! Well it turns out that NONE of it was true. NOT A BIT OF IT. The only thing that was true was that Hillary took a table. Now it probably wasn't Hillary. It was probably the moving company. I doubt Hillary threw a chest of drawers up on her back and took it. When she found out that it had been accidentaly taken, it was returned. For some reason, dumbass GOP types, like to spread lies. For a group that supposedly represents God on Earth, they certainly have enough vices of their own to go around. Clinton was impeached for a lie. An investigation was started because they GOP wanted to know if the Clintons did anything wrong in some land deal. Yeah they did something wrong. They lost their ass! The deal actually lost money. But that didn't matter. If there was any wrong doing the republicans were gonna find out. They were thorough. While conducting an investigation about a land deal, they even asked about his sexual relationship with a Monica Lewinski. Well being none of their fucking business, and outside of the scope of the investigation, Clinton told them the relationship didn't exist. Well that was a mistake. Because Clinton finally did something that the GOP could impeach him with. You see whitewater turned out to be a wash. No evidence was ever found regarding wrong doing. But they didnt care anyway. They got what they were comming for. Enter Bush..............who lies about just about everything. When he lies, Democrats are playing GOTCHA! When Bush lies it's a misunderstanding. When Bush lies it's to save us from terrorists. Finally, when Bush lies it's only an attempt to destroy a political opponent. Nothing personal Joe Wilson! Why the dickheads in this country put up with that YO YO I will never know. All Bush has to say is that he prays and Pat Robertson starts jacking off so hard he just about looses a filling. I don't know I just get sick of the hipocrisy.


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