Monday, May 01, 2006

Rush Limbaugh gets typical star treatment

Rush Limbaugh, and all of those that support him are proclaiming they have been vindicated. That they have been exonerated. That all the three years of investigation have been for nothing and they have been found innocent of all charges. Well that isn't exactly the case. Innocent people do not pay over 30,000 dollars in fines. Innocent folks do not have 18 months of court supervised addiction treatment. Innocent folks do not get their fingerprints and mug shot taken. Well in Rush's case it was a smug shot. His chubby countainance literaly BEAMING in his police photo. Why does this portly pundant seem so happy? Well he just got done fucking the entire Palm Beach County Sheriffs department in the ass. The tragedy in this is the blantant fact that equallity does not exist in this country. That fairness is a fantasy. Rush should have been tried. He should have had the punishment that all drug trafficers get. Yes I said trafficer. He had such a massive quantity of illegaly purchased perscription drugs that it was sufficient to be charged for distribution. Well if he was a normal person anyway. But instead we default back to the crap of calling Rush and setting up a convienient time for his arrest. Blowing him through the system in less than an hour and having his fat toushy planted firmly back in his lazy boy by 10 AM. Everyday the ideals that made America great are being assaulted. Equality. An honest days pay for and honest days work. Fairness. Standing up for the little guy. We're in a terminal downward spiral and noone seems to care, me included. I just wish we would hurry up and hit bottom so we could start over.


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