Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Moussaui Jurors made the tough decision

I personally think that Moussaui should burn in the hottest pits of hell for his deeds. You will hear alot of talking head assholes that this jury was spineless and liberal. You will hear that they were swayed by some activist judge to allow this man to live. To borrow a phrase from Dickens. Today that have done a far better thing that they have ever done. Well I kinda borrowed it from Dickens. You get the point. They have essentialy given us all the vengence that we could have never gotten from electrocuting that piece of shit. We get to watch him rot in jail and suffer for the next 50 years. We should be revelling. In the end God will punish this man, and this is how it should be. These jurors have shown a courage and a strength that is unfathomable. They know that this verdict will be controversial. They know it will be met with great crying and gnashing of teeth. But they did it anyway. Mr. Moussaui will get his devine punishment. He's just going to have to suffer at our hands for a long time in order to get it. I can live with that.


Blogger Bulletstopper said...

Yeah this bullshit bot advertising is gonna get me to rush out right now and get any desired college degree in less than two weeks. Maybe a medical degree......hmmmmmmmm. I am most insulted by the fact that evidently someone somewhere buys this crap or else noone would bother.

3:34 PM  

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