Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Alec Baldwin assaulted by assholes

Let me just get this out in the open. You get vibes off of people. What I am about to say is totaly an opinion based on nothing but it's a vibe I get and for the most part I am ALWAYS right. Alec Baldwin seems to me to be a person who is very well spoken. Almost aristocratic in his air. However, he also seems to be very approachable and unintimidating. He's probably a good guy. Sean Hannity, and I am giving my totaly honest opinion, seems like he's fake. He seems like all his anger and bluster is just a show. He knows that the more angry he seems and the more outraged he gets his ratings are probably gonna go up. This is due to the fact that his audience, now I am talking his core audience not the casual listeners, is angry white males and females. Yes there are angry white females now. I say this because Mr. Hannity is always talking about how he is for the working man and that he worked construction and he's blue collar all the way. He's blue collar that OWNED a construction company and admittedly hired illegal immigrant workers because local workers probably bit into his profits too much. Way to fight for the little man Sean. He talks about how John Kerry is not able to relate to "normal" Americans because he wind surfs, but yet Sean goes to exclusive ski resorts and eats 70 dollar steaks for dinner. He drives a 70 thousand dollar SUV. Is he to be faulted for that? No, but he really needs to stop pounding on elitists when thats exactly what he is. Rush Limbaugh lives in a 6 million dollar mansion and then professes to represent the views of mainstream America? Are we retarded? Do they think we are? They must. Anyway Mr. Alec Baldwin was just a guest on some guys radio show and Sean and his little buddy Mark "yes I like it in the ass" Levin, decided to call in to the show and proceed to insult Mr. Baldwin in a way that I haven't heard since I was in 3rd grade. They called Baldwin "fat" and called him "no talent" and "coward" and the real zinger..........wondered "why is your wife mad at you". When they started in on Mr. Baldwins wife he excused himself. Are these guys that fucking immature? The answer is yes they are. It wasn't enough that they ambushed Mr. Baldwin on the show, Sean and I'm sure his little cherub Mark "I am the pres of the lollypop guild" Levin, devotes half his show on little cuts and play by play from the incident. I about puked. They talk about character assassins, well these guys are really good at it. Almost as if they practice it daily huh? Alec Baldwin has family and friends. Sean does not care a whit. He just slams and slams and slams until even his dumbass audience is tired of it. I'm sure he will bring this up over and over rubbing his crotch as he remembers his great "victory". Sean no matter how much you rub, your dicks still the size of a Vienna Sausage. A genie isnt gonna pop out. Your wife not gonna be any happier. You'll still be a little man with a big mouth that got his ass kicked by guys like Alec Baldwin every day after your mathclub meeting. Mark Levin I know very little about. The vibe I get off of him is he's got some kind of wee man disorder. His voice sounds like he should be stocking toilet paper at Mr. Whipples market. If I could tell Mr. Baldwin anything it would be to elevate himself above talk radio. That lowly spot is reserved for pieces of shit that sit on the bottom of the entertainment fish bowl. Why Al Franken lowers himself to that level is beyond me. One last thing. Mr. Hannity, you and your cohorts are the worst kind of human beings. You get happiness by causing pain and misery to people who most often are not around to defend themselves. And you think you have the right to accuse people of cowarice? You will be judged for your deeds in a place that has no radios. Where Rupert Murdock can't buy propoganda. You will be judged as the worm you are. I hope your misery makes you happy then because thats all you're gonna have.


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