Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sean Hannity you stupid little man

Today I was told by, Mr. Sean Hannity, that I was being duped by the mainstream media. The news in Iraq is not really as bad as they make it out to be. The gas prices, while high, are being trumped by a roaring economy. That unicorns are real........I made that last one up but I figured a unicorn would make his fairy tale complete. I am not retarded Sean. To tell me that Al Quada is having a tough time in Iraq is a foregone conclusion. The Iraqis are killing each other by the thousands! In the last 3o days there have been 1100 Iraqis men and women executed! Is that a product of the mainstream media? Did they create this story or did they just merely report it? Hummmmmm. In Seans little brain it reads like this..... a group of Army Rangers constructed a playground in Iraq today. Bubble gum and balloons for the kidies! In other irrelivant news, 39 people were found executed in a pit outside Bagdad.....Now to Sean the mainstream media is totaly ignoring the fact that the US army has indeed repaired the amusement park/county fair that they blew the hell out of and are focusing on the negative aspects of civil war like executions, and destruction. Then he goes and bags on the media once again. You know, the media that he is a part of? He says that they are not telling the story of the roaring economy. The mega millions being made! The blacks that are buying houses! He tells us that consumer confidence last April was the highest it has ever been! My God! My piece of the pie is out there just waiting for me to take hold of it! You can just go out and shovel up baskets full of cash! Gas prices out of hand? Hell no! We like paying 3.50 for gas. It cuts down on useless trips to the grocery store to buy 3 dollar a gallon milk. Get on your bike and ride you obese American piece of lazy crap! Man I was fired up. My ship was getting ready to come in. Then I realized I was listening to an asshole. Gas is my single biggest daily expense other than my house. I spend more for gasoline a month that I do for food. I spend more money on gas than I do on electric, gas, water, sewage, cell phone, or cable. Does that affect my household? You bet your ass it does. Does it make a fuck to me weather Pedro or Tyrone get to buy their first house? No. Does it help me to know that Stock Dividends are not being taxed as high? No because I don't have the spare income to buy fuckin stock! Does it help me to know that consumer confidence is up and unemployment is down? Not really. So all this "good" news is the kind that really doesn't affect me. So who fuckin cares. Does the bad news in Iraq affect me? Not really, but at least with that news I know that the dickhead that caused it is going to have a rough time with it. If Iraq succeeds then it will become a warped US policy of preemtive invasion and occupation. I think at this point, Bushs policy of preemptive invasion has hit a wall. I don't think this is a policy for the ages. The point has been made. It was dumb policy driven by idiotic machismo and greed. Right now success is going to be determined on weather our guys can get out of there with Bushs dignity intact. I say cut the strings on the Iraqi army. Get our guys out of there. Support them with our planes. Let them do as they will to put down the uprising and get this occupation over with. We just started building the largest US embassy in the world over in Bagdad. Thousands of employees. We are never leaving now. We'd better get used to the bad news out of Iraq because we have signed on for the lonnng haul.


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