Friday, June 30, 2006

Bode Miller needs to quit crying

Bode Miller is a name that I really didn't know up until 10 minutes ago. I am probably not alone. One I had heard of was a US skier that was supposed to go to the Winter Olympics this past year and tear all over the slopes with gold medals out his ass. Another thing I had heard was that this supposedly great skier had lost ever event he took place in. Evidently Mr. Miller is that guy. And now he's bitching about the perception that the media gave him.........................Ok dumbass. Listen carefully. Without the media we would not have a perception of you because without them we would have never heard of your losing ass! Before you lost all your events, you weren't bitching about how the media was telling the world you were gonna whip some ass were you? No! You were eating it up. Cashing in no doubt. Now that you FAILED to meet ANY expectations your all pissed because supposedly our hopes were up too high. Well I got news for you buddy. My hopes were kind of nil anyway due to the fact that along with 97 percent of America, downhill skiing is not really my bag. For all of these idiots that say that representing their country is the greatest thing about the olympics let me ask you a question? If that is the best thing then why the hell do they keep track of the scores? Why is it that during the olympics the first news of the day is, "How many medals have we won?" Why is it that the gold medal winner hears his national anthem and sits higher than the other two olympians? I'll give you a hint. BECAUSE AMERICANS LOVE TO SEE AMERICA WIN! WE WANT WINNERS! NOT JACKASSES THAT TRY REEWY HAWD! You went to the olympics as a favorite to win some medals. If you didn't expect to win the why the fuck did you go? You went. You lost. Deal with it. Don't expect us to listen to you cry.


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