Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Who the hell is John Stosell all of a sudden?

I just saw a piece on Scarboro Country with John Stosell on Global Warming. First the guy tells us that it's all a sham. That it all comes from anti capitalist unpatriotic leftist idiots. Then a guy comes on that is evidently an expert on global warming. He cites a study by the national acadamy of sciences that says that we are warmer in the last 25 years than we have been in the last 400 years of recording temperatures. Now the national acadamy of sciences was appointed by congress to do this study. They are pretty much the smartest minds on the planet. This is the most complete study ever done on Global Warming. They guy then said that we need to start reducing our emissions immediately. He said we need to stop the corporate wellfare for the oil and coal industries and re invest that money in mass transit, renewable resources, alternative fuels. Mr. Stosell said it won't make a difference. What the hell does he know?! He's a fucking journalist! That certainly does not qualify him as an expert on anything other than being able to use spell check and have an opinion. Mr. Scarboro then says what difference does it make if the western world stops using these fossil fuels. China and India will continue to use. Then Mr. Stossel added, "Would you like it if gas were $10 a gallon?" The guy hits them with what is equivalent to a verbal right cross. "We as Americans make up 5 percent of the worlds population, and account for 25% of the worlds carbon dioxide emissions. China with over a billion people makes up 14%" In other words.......YOU BET YOUR ASS IT WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The environmentalist tells us that we have to work together to solve the worlds problem of global warming. Mr Stossel actually says, "Sounds like Socialism to me!" WTF?! That's when the environmentalist guy was pretty much cut off. Giving Mr. Stossel the last word, we find out why the jackass is even here. He calls the guy "anti capitalism" and tells us about his new book. Number one, why the hell anyone would listen to John Stossel on issues concerning the environment is beyond me. I guess the same people that believe that Rush Limbaugh has any business speaking on the subject will listen to this asshole. Mr. Stossel made his living making sure the Uhaul company and VCR repairmen didn't rip us off. He talked about how Al Gore just wants us to be afraid. Christ man, what the fuck has Bush been doing for the last 6 years! He traffics in fear! That's Bushs only true talent! Keeping us stupid ass Americans afraid! What Mr. Stossel did for years was make us believe that noone was to be trusted. Well why the hell would I trust his lying ass?


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