Monday, June 26, 2006

Bush decides to tell Iraq to screw itself

A day after the Iraqi government called for an orchestration of a US pullout, Mr. Bush informs us that he is once again the "Decider". HE will decide when freedom has been delivered to Iraq. HE will decide when we will pull out, or as his dickhead pundents like to call it, Cut and Run. They have demonized an Iraq pullout so vehemently, that now that the Iraqi government is saying it's time for us to get the fuck out, they have to temper it by trying to make it look like its Bushs idea. I'm here to tell you. Even if Iraq becomes a paradise. If Mickey Mouse is elected president there. Even if Iraq becomes the jewel of the middle east. This effort will have not been worth it. It was a pointless diversion that has taken this country so far off course, we will be lucky if we can regain our lost ground within the next decade. Close to 3000 lives lost. Tens of thousands wounded. Billions wasted. Lives destroyed. Reputations tarnished. Time gone forever. Priorities ignored. And that is just the American cost. The Iraqi cost has been far greater. I have been saying this since the war began. A country fights a war for personal gain. War has a downside, that has to be justified by a tremendous upside. World War Two? HUGE upside. Korea..........Marginal Upside. Vietnam? Little to no upside. Same thing in Iraq. The upside is nill. The downside is more like a cliff.


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