Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Are they that stupid?

I have listened to the right wing talking heads go on and on about how neat it was that Canadian police were able to sit in on chat rooms, find a terrorist cell, and launch a massive sting that saved the free world. Color me unimpressed. Number one, what is going on in Canada is a little different. They were in some kind of Jihadist Chat Room. What the Anne Coulters, and Laura Ingrams of the world want, is for police/government to be able to access anything, at any time, in your private life, for their own uses, whether you are a criminal or not. If you go into a Jihadist Chat room I would suspect that you would probably looking for Jihadists. That, in my opinion is ok. If cops want to listen in on a some sicko child molesters chat room, then by all means! What they found was 17 kids. Most of them full of shit. They were not part of some terrorist cell. They had no bankroll. They were not Al Qaida. They were punks. Deserving of being arrested. Were they going to blow something up? Evidently, because they ordered some fertilizer.................THREE FUCKING TONS OF IT! These guys practically gift wrapped themselves for the cops. They tell people what they are going to do, then they order 3 tons of fertilizer thinking noone is going to notice that even though he isnt a farmer, he needs 3 tons of fertilizer. Come on. These guys needed to be stopped. There is no question. What scares me is that while these idiots were bumping into walls, some guy was probably buying nuke triggers from Khazakstan. The terrorists we have to worry about are the smart ones. You can't know where every retarded loose cannon is going to pop up next. You can make a safe bet, however, that the real terrorists, that can do real damage, are somewhere bidding their time. While Bush is jacking around trying to legalize 20 million more social security dependents, he leaves the border naked. While Bush is trying to ban homos from getting married, terrorists plan their next attack. While Bush rams his buddies tax cuts through, we get one day closer to the day we get hit. And he continues to do nothing about it. These guys up in Canada were small fish in an isolated pond. The right wing pundents need to put this in context. I mean its not nearly as important as killing Al Qaidas number two man for the 14th time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how true ,my friend

3:29 PM  

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