Thursday, May 18, 2006

OOOOdles of BS to myself

As I am sure that I am speaking to myself, I still like to write crap in here. I mean the bots need something to read don't they? Anyway, Pat Robertson is up to his old hijinx. He is claiming that God told him that the United States Northwest was going to get hit with storms! The American Northwest being lashed by STORMS!!! He's really going out on a limb there! I mean doesn't it rain like 300 days a year in the American Northwest? It's kind of like predicting the sun will probably come up tomorrow. By the way, I looked at the weather report this morning for Northern California and it's raining like the dickens! Good call Pat. The Dixie Chicks are at it again. Their new album is being panned by Bush lovers everywhere. You remember when they had the audacity to go overseas and tell people that ....and I quote....."Just so you know, we're ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas." Wow. Absolutely earth shattering. There was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth all across the bible belt. Number one, I am not a Dixie Chick supporter. I hate their music. I think its fuckin mind numbing. What I do like is people to be able to speak freely as long as they aren't lying. These people thought the Dixie Chicks were great. But bust on the pres? Overseas??!! OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!! Now all of a sudden these darlings that they loved so much are hideous bitches. I am told that it would have been ok if they had said it over here at a county fair or something, but to take it to another country and say it. That was just tooo much. You actually expect me to believe that crap. These idiots are reacting much like Pavlovs dog. It don't matter in what circumstance, no matter what reason, if you make fun of their Bush, they are gonna get all bent out of shape. The fact that he is doing such a shitty job and they are still supporting him, just shows you that they don't fucking care about our country, our direction, or our position in the world. They still think everyone has to suck our cock because we saved Europe in WW2. Let me let you in on a little secret. We didn't set foot on European soil until the war was almost over anyway. Yes we hastened the end. Yes we had a major role in the victory. Yes I'm proud of that role. But if we keep calling in favors, our buddies are eventually gonna tell us to fuck off. We need to get back to the business of working with our friends and not dictating to them. With Chinas influence growing every minute, Russias meek resurgence, Indias rise, we need to cultivate our relationships much more closely. We can't just bribe people anymore. Other countries are getting some cash and power too. We need to start being diplomatic and get our house in order over here. If we continue to bully, and alienate our friends,(Canada, France, Germany, Britain), we will find ourselves alone. And as Iraq had taught us. Alone sucks.


Blogger Woozie said...

We're not alone-it's a coalition of the willing-don't tell me You Forgot Poland.

5:56 PM  

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