Thursday, June 30, 2011

President Obama is pissing me off

Well here we are, two and a half years into my presidents term and I can see very little accomplished. The 900 million dollars he invested in America was fine. Mismanaged to a degree but fine. His decision to leave Guantanimo open, also fine. Pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan really fine, credit card reforms fine. What's got me bent is how the Democrats are capitulating to their political enemies to the detriment of the country! When the repubs were in charge, and Bush ruled the roost, did they consult ANYONE about ANYTHING?! No! The patriot act, trillions of dollars worth of tax cuts for the wealthy, Medicare perscription reform on and on. Did they go coast to coast for a year having townhall meetings? No they just did it. Mr. Obama wants a consensus on everything when they should be stuffing shit down their throats! Healthcare reform? Boom! Bring up the vote and be done with it. Don't let the douchebags mobilize and set the agenda. That crap with the tax cuts? I'd have let them expire and we'd be on our way but what's the president do? He gives them a club to beat him with during the 2012 campaign! Plus now with the taxcuts they have to cut elderly people programs to pay for it! He's gonna hang twice! You mark my words. If the repunks can muster any kind of excitement for any one of their candidates the president is toast. Rick perry and Palin are a
Frightening pair. Mr Obama needs to get this shit back on track in a hurry. Youre the president! Start acting like it!


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