Tuesday, June 01, 2004

It's finally comming out.

They finally came out and said today what I have noticed for about the last 4 or 5 months now. Inflation is up. Way up. I have been hearing from the talking heads and from that man with the enormous head on Faux (Neil Cuvuto?) that inflation is at record low levels! Well maybe at one time. Maybe on Ferraris and Yachts. But for us poe folk, the items you need to survive like say milk and bread, those items have gone through the roof. They say that the poor are the last to be affected by upswings in the economy. Funny how they are the first affected when shit goes in the tank. Trickle down gentlemen. How Reagan, and now Bush sold us the trickle down strategy of economics is beyond me. You cannot make it sound good. Give all the richest people the money, and they will have their way with it, then after they are done with it, if they have any left over, you get some of it. And people are baffled how the richest one percent in this country have 99% of the wealth. The rich make the rules. Hell thats a rule in itself. I personally don't care that there are rich folk. I want to be one someday. What I can't stand is the fact that there is so much wealth in this country and it is spread in such a way to make sure that it stays right where it is. Bush is suceeding in getting rid of unions. He is suceeding in getting rid of overtime. He is suceeding in shipping our few good paying jobs overseas. We make nothing in this country. The only thing that survives in this country is the services. Thats why Walmart is the countrys biggest employer. Now they are even taking the higher paying service jobs away. I mean people were making 8 nine bucks an hours telemarketing. Now they can get Indians to do it for 10 bucks a day. Quadrupling profits and giving the shareholders boners the size of baseball bats. The problem is the shareholders are not the ones doing most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. (A La It's a Wonderful Life!) It's the everyday person. The poverty level in this country for a family of 4 is anything below $18,400.00. I'll tell you right now I am barely getting by with a 40 grand salary in a economicly depressed area of Appalachia. I am doing well by peoples standards around here and I am living paycheck to paycheck. But at least I get a paycheck. In 2002 12.2 percent of Americans lived below the poverty line. That is just about 36 million people. So for me to think about 36 million people going to be without enough to eat or struggling just to keep the electric on... The minimum wage job makes 5.15 an hour. Care to guess what a full time minimum wage employee at Walmart makes? 10712 dollars a year. If the biggest employeer is paying wages below the poverty line.... You do the math.


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