Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Judge Alito and the entire confirmation process can KISS MY ASS!!!!!

For the love of God can we just let this be over! It's just like Saddam running for president in Iraq. It's a forgone conclusion that this little swine looking fucker is going to get confirmed. Democrats should just roll over and take it. For better or worse at least it would make it go by faster, and with as little bullshit as possible. It's just a gumscrape, jerk off session. The GOP will suck Alitos shrunken cock for a while then the Democrats get their turn to look shrill and bash the guy for a while. Then in the end they vote and Alito gets confirmed. Do we really have to go through it all? I've been sick of this since day one. The entire process supposedly has worth but in the end, the guy that Bushs string pullers want is the guy that is gonna get in there. Bush picked who he wanted in there, and Bushs brain trust all gave a collective, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO NOW!!!!!???" Yes, Bush is too much of a dumbass to be allowed to do the picking on his own so the next contestant on, Let's fuck up America,..... Judge Sam ALito! COME ON DOWN!!! Alito is allegedly a suckup. He shined on the Reagan White House saying basicly he would believe whatever Reagan wanted him to if it would get him a job. He is also allegedly insensitive to women and minorities. He is also a member of some stuck up group of white alumnists at Princeton. The Concerned Alumni of Princeton University, alumni group. That would make him a possible racist and sexist. He probably is but then again most people are if you get down to brass tacks. I could go on and on about how Mr. Alito is a human being. We all have our faults and most of the problem of our political system is that we refuse to allow politicians to make mistakes. So they cover them up. Only the people who tell lies and have the money to cover them up can become politicians these days. That is what is rotten at the core of our burocracy. Alito is probably a cock. Hes most definatly right wing, and hes been groomed for this position for the last 15 years. There are forces at work here that will probably just add to the corruption of our legal system. People are always saying, "It may not be perfect but it's the best in the world." Bullshit. There are many ways to improve our legal system but you always have these assholes fuckin it up. One guy takes it too far and lets all childmolesters out of jail, then some other fucker turns around and tells some lesbian that they can't have a child! If there is only right and wrong, why does it take an 8 year degree to tell the difference? I personally think that laws should be written in lamens terms. Doctors have a law where they have to explain your condition to you in terms you can understand. Why the hell shouldn't law be the same way? I mean every one of us are required to understand and live by all these laws, but we can't understand them! Loop holes everywhere! Some states you can but others you can't! Most of it is left up to the interpetation of a judge! Screw that. People should get in trouble like you do speeding tickets. If your doing 45 in a 30 pay this much. Do this much time. No questions asked, do not pass go. If you want to go to court and challenge it you can. Go to court and tell the judge that the cop is wrong and you can prove it. If not write the court a check and be on your way. Molest a child? 20 years. No ifs ands or buts. Do it again? Get the chair. Rape a woman? Same thing. Repeat violent offenders who have kill someone? Life in prison. Screw around in prison, cause a riot, beat up a guard, or a fellow prisoner? Hang your ass! Drugs? Sentenced to a hospital until your addiction is under control and your clean. Get caught again? Jail for 5 years in a special facility for druggies. Get caught again? Get stuck in with the general population and stay there for life. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTTS. No I know what you are saying. You are saying, " Be carefull what you wish for. Someday it could be you or someone you love." Well I know that. I also know that if the world was like that, pretty soon people would be raised from the ground up to not do these things or they would suffer the terrible consequences. Good people would stay good and the bad apples would be weeded out. Some jackass drugdealer gets into jail and stays there, all the drugs that he was gonna sell are no longer on the street. Pretty soon the problems of crime would be settled, and capital punishment would skyrocket! Oh well. It's the cost of doing business.


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