Monday, January 16, 2006

Now Peyton Manning can bite my ass..... INDEED!

Yes the Indy Colts lost yesterday. Lots of peoples football pools got knocked all out of whack because noone I knew, even die hard Steelers fans, believed that the Steelers were gonna win. Not even me! I knew one person that was convinced the Steelers were gonna win, but she was just a new fan to football. Watched her first game with intrest just a few years ago. She wasn't accustomed to Bill Cowers teams folding under playoff pressure. Not accustomed to the lofty hopes being dashed by 4 AFC Championship home loses. I was. And I had lost faith. Fortunately for me, and those near and dear, the Steelers smashed the Colts in front of God and everybody. Now I get to gloat for the first time in a long time. But wait! Denver next week. Everyone is saying that the Steelers should win and that they match up better against the Broncos than just about anyone. It's gonna be one of those games. Hopefully the officials don't try and over compensate for the stupidity and end up doing more harm than good. Now on to Mr. Peyton Manning. Tisk tisk young sir. Telling everyone that your team mates let you down with crappy protection. Boy I bet the love you for that! Possibly Manning might have called a shitty game? If I was a coach on the Colts, I would feel like such a shit. Manning pretty much runs the damn team. He calls the plays. Decides when to go for it or when the punt team should go on. He makes all the calls. Everyone else is just there to serve his needs. I'm sorry but Peyton is a stupid fuck. One man cannot manage the complexities of the game as it's happening. He's gonna miss certain aspects of the entire big picture. It's just like anything else. Teams work better when they WORK AS A TEAM YOU ASSHOLE! Let the offensive coaching staff take on the responsibility of calling plays! They can see all of what is happening on the field. They can see trends. They can notice tendencies better. They have more than 30 seconds to determine what is the right call. But no. Peyton feels that his micromanagement style is better. All that jumping around and waving his arms pisses me off. The funny thing is that he hardly did any of that audible, finger pointing, and arm waving yesterday. He could not keep up. Pittsburghs defense was constantly moving. They would press in on one side then jump out and press on the other side. They would feign blitz and then back off and only send 2 guys. They did this over and over again. Manning didn't know where it was comming from, or if it was comming at all. But when it came, it came like the THUNDER! And I was so happy. The officials almost fucked it all up with some bullshit interpetation of the rules. Just like the tucking rule. If a quarterback is throwing and drops the ball its a fumble. If he is in the process of tucking the instantly he becomes a runner and if he drops the ball ITS A FUCKIN FUMBLE!!!!!!! If Troy Polamolu intercepts the ball, while in midair SWITCHES FUCKING HANDS!!!! lands, turns over TWICE!!!!! gets up to run and then drops the ball.......ITS A FUCKIN FUMBLE!!!!!!! Now if the Colts had jumped on the ball when Troy had dropped it, it would have been Colts ball!! If Troy had not dropped the ball it would have never been an issue because he had intercepted the fuckin thing. It's a shame that the instant replay is being used as a last gasp. "Tony Dungy has to review this play because if they don't find something then this game is over." Thats crap. To review something even if you think its a slam dunk on the hopes that some kind of bullshit stupid ass official is going to have some bullshit stupid ass interpetation of the rules is, well, BULLSHIT!!!! Slowing everything down and watching the game in slo mo is crap. I think instant replays should be played in regular time. If you play something in regular time and see it from a dozen angles then you are gonna make the right call. Your not gonna see the guy stepping on a blade of grass that is out of bounds and your not gonna see the giggling ball as the receiver goes down. Did the guy catch it or not in real time. Make the fuckin call you JACKASS!!!! You can't judge how long a man has possesion in slow mo. It's all crap. All the calls that were reversed because of instant replay. This had made officials lazy. They feel like they make a call and then if its wrong they will be vindicated. Now they can't even do that. Can't even see a 370 pound man moving on the line of scrimmage. Alan Fanaca moved. The entire defensive line saw it and jumped offsides. If the official didn't throw a flag then it's OFFSIDES ON INDY YOU FUCKING MORONS!!!!!! A call had to be made there. They looked like stupidasses by just saying, "OK you guys just line up again we weren't paying attention." WHAT?!!!!!! ARE YOU CRACKED!!?? In retrospect it's better that they didn't call anything due to the fact that it benefited the Steelers. BUT, everyone knows that the guy responsible for that totaly flubbed and made them all look like shits. In closing. I would like to thank GOD for making the Colts kicker miss the field goal. That's the only explaination. God was watching. Now I don't think God is a Steelers fan. I just know that he hates injustice and if there ever was injustice done yesterday was it. He gave us one hell of a ride, but it all came out square in the end. Plus it gives us something to talk about till next week to pass the time.


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