Saturday, January 14, 2006

We are no different than terrorists

Yes I have said it. For a long time I told myself that all the crap about people saying that were are terrorists were the voices of nonconformists, hippies and asshole extemists. Well what is the difference blowing up say the world trade center with American civilians inside, and blowing up a building with Pakistani civilians inside? The answer? Not a God damn thing! We don't do that crap! We are Americans. We are the good guys! We don't blow up buildings killing everyone on that block just to kill one man! We are better than that. These fucks that are in charge right now don't realize that. An innocent life is an innocent life no matter whos flag flies over their heads. Our reputation is being drug through the mud by these assfucks that are in charge. We have secret prisons. We imprison people without charge and without legal counsel. We blow up civilians indescriminatly. We are doing this all in the name of safety but in reality all this does is embolden our enemies. Recruits more of them! Makes others less sympathetic to our cause! These dickheads in charge have about as much sense as some drunk bully in a bar. They just throw their weight around without regard to who it hurts or who it pisses off. Only problem with that is that usually these bullies get their asses handed to them by someone who is sober and still has their wits about them. I say hurry up and kick our asses before we strike again. We can't continue to bully everyone around and ask them to live by standards that we can't live by ourselves. 911 was a wake up call. So far we are still in the stupor of showing everyone how tough we are. Alot of Americans like it. The same pricks that say that we should make a sheet of glass out of any country that doesn't agree with us. All of those people deserve what they get. Only problem is that we are gonna be drug down with them. America stood for something at one time. We once were a becon. Now we are a monument to hipocrisy.


Blogger Manictastic said...

You're totally right!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Chris W. McCarty said...

What's the difference?

1) Although we often kill civilians in our attacks, said civilians are NEVER the primary targets. In all warfare, innocent people die. But with terrorists, innocent people are the primary targets. It is not about taking out the enemy, it is about scaring the enemy by killing mass quantities of civilians.

2) Not all of these Pakistanis were innocent. They were cohorting with known terrorists. Should they have been killed? No, of course not. But putting oneself in an area with known global criminals means that you are assuming a great deal of risk. Don't want to get bitten by a shark? Stay out of the water.

3) Under 20 Pakistanis were killed in the attack you are reffering to. Thousand of civilians died during 911. Yes, thousands of civilians have been killed in Iraq, and we have killed some of them... but A) never on purpose and B) most of those people were killed by other Iraqis, not US forces.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Bulletstopper said...

Yes we often kill civilians in our attacks. Civilians are not our primary targets but we have as little regard for them as we do a piece of garbage. Some of these people that are cohorting with terrorists were kids and didn't have a choice. Everything is relative. If Bin Ladden was in the room under where your child sleeps, would you be willing to sacrifice your own to kill him? Knowing that a bunkerbuster has to tear through your childs body to get to Bin Laddens would probably temper your willingness to accept unfortunate casualites. Now I know what you are saying. "IT"S NOT MY CHILD!!" It's somebodys child. And while I know it's hard to accept, Americans are not the only people that feel loss when they lose a loved one. If Bin Ladden blew up a firehouse in New York and killed 19 firefighters we'd call it a terrorist attack, and we'd call them heroes. When the bombs left the Predators we knew that there were civilians inside the buildings so to say that we avoided killing them is crap. So we willingly killed civilians. We didn't care. That to me is a terrorist act. No matter how you want to spin it.

6:40 PM  

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