Monday, February 20, 2006

Guns are fuckin cool

I love old guns. I mean I really love them. I can sit and look at bullets for hours. I marvel at the craftsmanship it takes to make a weapon. If you look at a gun from today you can see that its all just cast crap. I have a brand spankin new Bushmaster and the thing is finished crappy. In comparison with the older guns anyway. I have a PTR-91 that is also brand new. You can see weld marks on the receiver and glops of solder. Its filed down somewhat so you can't see it as good but you can still see it. Now turning back the clock I have an 1892 Model Winchester in caliber .32-20. Beautiful rifle. I have disassembled it twice and just marveled at the ingenuity that it took to make that. The rifle was built in the late 1800s and still shoots like the day it was built. Amazing. The tolerances of that rifle are very tight. To build that gun took a craftsman. To make a rifle today takes an assembler. The Mosin Naggant 7.62x54 M91/30 is an example of a great rifle. Ugly but great. This is the rifle that successfully beat back the Germans from the Eastern Front during World War Two. Now the M44 is the carbine version of that rifle and is handier in my opinion but the 91/30 will occupy a special place in my heart. It operates like a battle rifle should. There is no safety to speak of. The safety is so hard to actuate that I never use it. You have to pull the rear of the bolt back and twist it clockwise to lock it into place. Releasing it is also a task. The fun part about this rifle is the cartridge it shoots. The rimmed 7.62x54 rivals the .30-06 of the M1 Garand. The Mosin Naggant was also capable of amazing accuracy. Mine is dated 1927. It has a hex receiver and brass acutrements on the forend. I take this club out of the box, set a paper cup up at 100 yards and proceed to knock holes in this cup with open sites. I was astonished as I am not a particularly great shot especially with open sites. I was hooked. The really fun thing about his rifle is the recoil. It is the most stout feeling recoil I have ever felt. It hits so hard that you think you are gonna loose a filling. But it's not unpleasant. Kind of like a really fast roller coaster. When you get behind the M91/30 it's gonna kick your brains out. Now my Lee Enfield No.4 Mark 2 .303 is the polar opposite to the plain jane Mosin. Where the Mosin accomplishes its job with bare bones simplicity, the Enfield does it with the capable grace you'd expect from the English. It has the most sophisticated sighting system of all my old beaters. You can use the battle peep sight for running through trenches. Or you can really get down to fine long range work with the fully adjustable flip sight. The butt plate is solid brass and shines so nice against the dark red berch. I think it's berch anyway. Either way I'd stack it up against any Walnut stock appearancewise. The recoil of this rifle is so light you'd hardly think you were sending 180 grain slugs downrange at 2500 feet per second. This rifle was ahead of its time and outclassed all bolt rifles for more than a few decades in my opinion. Now I just laid my hands on a Yugoslavian M-48. I wanted a German Kar 98 8mm but I can't afford it right now. I was apprehensive but at just 94 dollars I figured how could I miss. Well it seems as I have hit the jackpot. I opened the box the otherday and removed the paper to find one of the prettiest rifles in my collection. I am told the wood is Teak. With a little effort I have removed the little rust that was on the buttplate and made it shine. A coat of tongue oil was all it took to spruce it up to look like one of the 300 dollar Mitchell Mausers. If it shoots as good as it looks, I've found another deer rifle. I have another Yugoslavian rifle called the M59/66 SKS. While not as well finished as my M-48 it is just plain fun to shoot. This is a semiauto that will rattle off 10 rounds of 7.62x39 as quick as you can squeeze the trigger. For anyone that doesn't know, thats the same round as the AK-47. Only this baby has much greater accuracy and muzzle velocity due to its 20 inch barrel. It's also equipped with glow in the dark night sights, grenade launcher and a very nasty looking bayonette. Rounding out my collection of Curio and Relic rifles is my M1 Garand. Of all my relic rifles, by far, this is my most expensive. Purchase price anyway. Worth every penny. I hope to equip it with a scope soon but the mount is about 100 dollars. Then I would have to find a nice scope that will not look out of place on it. That's gonna be about 200 more. That's about it for my collection of old kick ass rifles. Although I have many modern firearms I continue to collect the old military rifles that have helped forge our world.


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