Thursday, May 11, 2006

World War Three about to start in video gaming

In the civil war of Atari and Nintendo, Nintendo with its NES system came out on top. Then came World War One. The evil Sega with its black console and smartassed Sonic the Hedgehog, was actually winning the war for a while. In the end however, it was Nintendos stranglehold on the developers and Segas "roundeye" stupidity that did them in. Nintendos height came with the SNES. Their reich lasted what seemed like a thousand years. Ah.... The good old days. Then came Sony and their Playstation. Or should I call it by it's real name. The Nintendo Playstation. Yes as you may or may not know, Playstation started out in the development labs of Nintendo. Nintendo didn't want to use the disk format because of the ease of piracy and told Sony to take a walk. They did. Right to the bank. Playstation pretty much stomped the Sega Saturn, even though the Saturn beat it hardwarewise. The 3d Video game Revolution had begun. The N64 was solid but sold nowhere near the consoles that Playstation did. This was like the Spanish American War and Playstation won by a landslide. At the beginning of World War 2 you had three consoles vying for the hearts of American youth everywhere. Again Playstation had the gagets and the games that the majority wanted. They had the games where people said "fuck". Nintendos Gamecube, while an honest effort lagged behind. Far behind. What alot of people don't know is that the Gamecube actually beats the Playstation 2 powerwise. It is limited however by the small 2.5 inch mini disks it uses. The xbox comes in second in sales but in actual profit lagged the other two. World War Two was all Sony. Now we have a pre emptive strike with the 360. For whatever reason the 360 is comming out wayyyyy ahead of the other two. Sony and Nintendo will do battle on about the same day in November 2006. I would say that Sony is going to get the jump on Nintendo this time and go before the stated launch date. People will shit themselves. This one is going to be the most interesting. All three systems are different. The Xbox is more about a mobile gaming system. You can include the phone and internet and all that crap wirelessly. Playstation is about making itself into an entire home entertainment system in one box. Nintendo is about making strictly a gaming system that exists solely to play games. Who will win? Who knows. What it will come down to is are a majority of people going to want to pay PC prices for games that they can already play on their PCs? If so Sony is golden. At least at first. Game titles will then come into play. The xbox 360 for whatever reason cannot come out with a decent array of titles. They blow their load with Halo. Halo really isn't that good. I played it on PC and I played the Multiplayer. The single player gets old real fast. The multiplayer sucks. Then the wildcard of the bunch. The Wii. What a crappy name. Anyway the Wii has some features that are going to be bad assed if they are free. I will pay 300 bucks gladly for a Wii if the game downloads are free. The controller will have to be something special. People have really liked it but say it is kind of difficult to get used to. Isn't that what they were trying to avoid. Didn't they want their controller to be intuitive and easy to use? Oh well. Well see. It is going to get interesting. We may be seeing Nintendos last major push into the console wars. Or we may be witnessing a new era in video games. Xbox could very well take over the number one spot and hold it as could Nintendo. Only time will tell. The system that everyone wants will be the flavor of the month. The one that can deliver the good games that people want to play is the one that we will be talking about a year from now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's been a year and alot of my predictions have actually came true. I found that I had this round of the console wars about pegged. What I didn't account for was the supply issues that have hounded both the PS3 and the Wii. That has restriced both platforms. If the Wii had been able to meet demand early on, they would be well over 10 million sold right now and in posession of number one for the first time since the early 90's. PS3 is still stumbling. Sony just announced a 100 dollar price cut to help boost sales, but I for one do not believe that is going to give them the help they need. They need games. Now. The new Metalgear game is going to help sell systems but the big name is GTA4. Grand Theft Auto is no longer a Sony exclusive, and I doubt that people are willing to pay a couple hundred dollars more to play it on the PS3 when they can play the exact same game on the 360. Wii has turned out to not be as stupid of a name as I first thought. Although I do still think it is underpowered, and that the games lineup for it so far is Gamecubeish, it has such an upside. There are some amazing games comming up, and the controller actually works.

1:36 PM  

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