Sunday, May 14, 2006

Grays anatomy for the love of GOD!

All I know is that my wife just spent the last 5 minutes screaming at the TV. Some dude needs a heart so some nurse is gonna cut his cord to save his life and the doctor that is going to work on the dude just got shot in front of the hospital........................FUCK ME RUNNING! I don't get people fasination with bullshit that can never happen. Desperate Housewives, 21 Jumpstreet, Twin Peaks, fuck all that. TV sucks. It has always sucked in my life from the Cosby Show to Growing Pains it all blows. I don't watch TV. I watch movies and the history channel and that show that shows you how candy is made. Other than that I can't stand it. News included. Even the news anymore is pathetic. I don't read the paper. I don't watch the news. I don't watch TV. I live in a self imposed bubble. I watch Bill Maher. So TV is not all bad. Just 95 percent of it.


Blogger Vigilante said...

Exactly! Exactly!
May the church say Amen!

I never watch TV, 'cept for CSpan and Tivo-ed West Wing.

8:45 AM  

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