Saturday, May 13, 2006

Joshua Sparling........get a grip buddy.

Get a grip everyone. Some dumbass writes a letter to some non descript soldier over in Iraq telling him to die and people are getting all bent. Number one the stupid fuck that kept the letter (Im talking to you Josh) needs to not be so fuckin sensitive. I mean come on. You get shot but you can't take some card written in crayon. That was just too much I guess. Get the fuck over it. If you were as worried about the guys shooting at you as you are about the guy making homemade hate mail maybe you wouldn't have gotten shot in the first place. The only reason any of these fucks care at all is because Josh knows he's gonna get some attention now, and the NeoCon pro war fucks are gonna have something to beat anti war people over the head with. Only a very small number of anti war people wish any harm on the troops. I was one of those poor bastards over there and I don't remember anyone sending me JACK! If these assholes care so much, why did it take some cheap stunt to get them to acknowledge the troops existence? It takes more that a yellow ribbon to support the troops. They can stomach 2400 guys getting killed but someone making a card really chaps their ass! Screw all of you.


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