Wednesday, July 06, 2011

There's never been any justice so why are people surprised now?!

Supposedly this country was founded on a few basic principals. You can sum them all up in one short phrase. Liberty and justice for all. Well, you might ask the Indians how they are lovin all this liberty and justice. I am of course getting to wade in on the nutless wonders that are the jurors is the Casey Anthony trial. These people have got to be the dumbest most gullible most worthless pieces of shit to ever grace the jurybox. Well other than the morons that acquitted OJ. They swallowed a story from a habitual liar that none of which could be proven. Ignored all the facts and evidence and set that little bitch free! That waste of breath is now set to make millions off of killing her daughter! Now we have to stomach TmZ following her around and taking her picture like she's a fuckin celebrity! Book deals reportedly as much as a million dollars? I really can't fault Miss Anthony. She's just doing what comes natural to her. Being a slut opportunist is her natural state. Who o really have the most repugnance for is her fucking evil lawyers. The ones that cooked this bullshit up and served it to the retards that sat on the jury. Anthony repeatedly lied to police and incestigators. Lied to her family and friends. Made up a job, a nanny, an address, a boyfriend! And now were gonna believe her?! Were gonna believe that just because they thought her family was dysfunctional that excuses her from not telling anyone that her own child was missing for 31 days while she carries on like nothing was wrong? How fuckin stupid does this woman think we are!? Evidently pretty fucking stupid because not only dis she get away with killing her own child she's gonna profit from it. I guess if anything symbolizes the American way these days that pretty much sums it up. Fucking disgusting.


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