Monday, June 14, 2004

I too will piss on Reagans grave.

The more and more I read about Reagan the more I remember about the 80's and how shitty those times were for the world in general. Kind of like today eh? I have always believed that there were drugs involved in the Iran Contra scandal now I finaly found documented proof. And the bad thing was is that it was common knowledge. During the Iran Contra hearings it was brought to light that while the guns and supplies were going to Nicaragua to help the Freedom loving Contras, they were loading the planes down with Coccain for the return trips to further supplement. Remember the flood of drugs during the 80's? The Contras were pumping drugs aplenty into the US and we all paid for it. Every dime. All supposedly under Reagans nose. Reagans closest advisors were evidently stealing millions of dollars in money and assets and sending them to third world shitholes and Reagan never suspected a thing. A marine Col. named North had the authority to release the weapons, money, and supplies, and to the authorize the use of logistics to deliver it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!??? This man didn't have the authority to wipe his ass! And they fed it to us. AND WE ATE IT UP! America deserves the leaders it gets. We are too stupid. North is now a hero for taking the fall. Even though he was stealing from his own people skimming money off the top and buying shit for himself. No honor among theives eh? The truth of the matter is that Reagans buddies had mining interests in Nicaragua. What better excuse for a coup de tat than to overthrow a communist government. Thus the Contras were born. The entire thing stunk so bad I can't believe we choked it down. Screw us. We're idiots.


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