Thursday, June 10, 2004

It's slowly shaping up to be a dogfight.

In the whole big scheme of things with Bush aggresively campaigning against Kerry. Millions upon millions of dollars spent trying to bash this man on just about every front on every TV in the country. Faux News, Liddy, Hannity, Limpbald, all pounding on Kerry like a punching bag..... And Kerry still leads in many polls. Kerry is berated for not climbing in the polls. Well Bush should be berated for not making a showing at all. Kerry can't get any traction......well I don't see Bush climbing either. In fact the president is loosing ground on just about all fronts. If Nader wasn't in the race, then Kerry would really lead most polls. Nader can say what he wants but if he truly hates Bushs policies as much as he says he does......the man don't stand a chinamans chance of winning. He just wants to be an Asshole. Kerrys campaign has been anemic to say the least. Less than inspiring advertising, as uninspiring speeches. He better get his shit in gear for the convention. I have heard hes an inspiring speaker at times of crisis. Well here it comes: crisis! It still makes me laugh though. Kerry was thought to be a pushover but with world events basicly dictating Bushs itinerary, Kerry can just sit back and let the Bush Campaign blow itself out. Good strategy at this point considering the fact that Bush has Kerry outgunned. He can't outshine Bush with advertising but he can let Bush trip on his own feet. Bush has set his own traps. The liberal media didn't give him bad intel. The democrats didn't make the call to go to war based on some reports from less than scrupulous Iraqi exiles. The Leftwing conspiracy didn't alienate us in regards to telling the UN and half of NATO to screw themselves. We in the United States are strong. But we are stronger if we work together. We have this perception that we won World War Two. Well we made a major contribution to the war but the Soviets made just as large a contribution as we did. Very little is known about the Eastern front but the Soviets beared the brunt of Nazi oppresion just due to the fact that they were landlocked with the damn facists. More than anyone the Soviets were the ones that paid the price in blood during world war 2. Over 20 million Soviets died. Next is the Chinese with over 10 million dead. Poland, 6 million, Yugoslavia, almost 2 million. Down the list until you reach the United States, which lost 400000. I'm not saying we didn't pay a high price. I'm also not saying that we didn't have some of the finest fighting men in that war. What I am telling you is that the US contribution is just a very small facet of all of the battles in World War 2. The war was mostly an airwar up until the allied invasion in 1944. By this time Continental Europe had been fighting the Nazis for 5 years! Millions upon millions had already died. My point to all this is when we work with our allies we are unbeatable. If we are alone? We have trouble with peasants. Remember Vietnam? Now Iraq? Kerry is going to harness that teamwork and win the war on terror. Without it we will be stuck spinning our wheels in Iraq for the next 10 years and will not have accomplished a thing. If there was a terrorist attack right now the Bush folks would jump up and down and say "SEE I TOLD YOU!!". But really they would be the ones to blame. Wasting effort, time and money in Iraq is foolish. Freedom don't come free. It's time the Iraqi people figured that out and fought for freedom on their own.


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