Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Parcells has nothing to be sorry for

Now Parcells head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is being berated for saying "Jap" at a press conference. Pardon me if I really don't get all riled and pissed. Personally I don't like the Japanese. I don't give a shit if they are contributing to society and if there are lots of Japanese Americans. I really don't give a shit. The Japanese less than 60 years ago were responsible for Millions of people being tortured, raped, and murdered. Ruski isn't considered a racial slur. White people don't get all bent when people call us crackers. You wanna know why? Cause white people just don't care about that shit. Like if someone calls me Whitey...I AM white, good observation! If someone called me a honkey I would laugh in their face. Polish, Jews, Japanese, etc. etc. etc. shaddap already! There are real injustices going on in the world that you should be pissed about. I call Japanese people Japs all the time. (Not to their face of course because that would be mean and I don't want to make someone feel bad!) How does that show ignorance? I don't like them for many reasons. Hmmmmmmm. Lemme think about some. Pearl Harbor, World War 2, the masacres in China, Battan, and other countless places, and the fact that they get all the benefits of living under the cloak of the United States and give nothing back. No to mention the fact that they pledged billions of dollars to the war effort in Gulf War One for us to secure their oil supply and then don't give up one red cent. The Japanese are reaping what they sow and if being called a Jap is the worst thing they have to endure to atone for their sins they should be rejoicing. I don't call them Japs because I feel superior to them I just don't like them for the reasons above among many others. Japanese people are low on my list. And all this shit about African Americans, Japanese Americans, Polish Americans............FUCK THAT. If you are an American then that is what you are! 99 percent of people who are supposedly African Americans are no more African than I am. Once we get rid of labels then maybe we will be able to get rid of the sterotypes that shakle us. Until the African Americans can drop the African part and become Americans they will be victims of unfair bias. That is just a fact. I didn't make it up. You can't have integration unless you intregrate! If someone wants to be African then go to fuckin Africa! If you want to be American then we welcome you. Thats not to say that those people need to give up their culture. There are Italian festivals and May Day. Americans with Irish decent still eat potatoes and drink beer on St. Patricks Day. They embrace their culture but have let themselves become part of the whole and not set themselves apart. African Americans and the rest need to celebrate Kwanza, or whatever they want, and just become Americans. Thats what they say they want isn't it. To be accepted. So why don't they accept America?


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