Monday, June 21, 2004

More Faceless Sacrifice In Iraq

I have many problems with what is going on in Iraq but there is one that really chaps my ass the most. It's the administrations refusal to acknowledge the fact that there are people dying everyday over in Iraq. Everyday! The only time you hear about it is due to the fact that we have some media people over there. If it were up to the Pentagon you wouldn't know what was going on. All in the name of freedom of course. They know that as the evidence that was used to go to war is all refuted and the deathtolls rise the patience of the American people is wearing away. Bush knows that America loves to see our guys kicking peoples asses. All he has to do is wrap the package in the American flag and sick his attack dogs on anyone who questions it. As long as they can send home pictures of tanks rolling guys giving the victory sign and show vast troops surrendering to our soldiers, most of America will be able to choke down some bad news once and a while. The only problem with Iraq is that the only thing they prepared for was a refugee catastrophe that never transprired. After that they just made it up as they went along. And the news has been bad. They can try to spin it any way they want but with 11000 plus civilians, soon to be over 1000 coalition troops, and almost 200 billion dollars gone, we are still no better off in the war on terror than we were on Sept. 11. The power grid is falling offline daily. Almost 50 percent of the time to be infact. Water treatment, oil production, operations of schools, all are practically at a standstill since shortly after the war ended. Now thats not to say that we aren't trying. The insurgents are just tearing up everything as we build it. Not to mention Halliburtons work practices aren't the most efficent in the world. They contract out the work. Pay the subcontractor half of what they got paid, then the subcontract out the work again and so on and so on. Then you have street peasants in charge of building the public works using substandard work practices and viola! Now you know why when there is a Magnitude 3 earthquake in these third world countries and it kills thousands where the same earthquake here only interupts the commute. Of course in this situation Bushs people are happy. His bloodthirsty constituents get to watch our guys shoving guns in peoples faces. And Bushs donors get to recieve the promised return on their investment. How they still have 40 percent of America convinced that this is a good idea in Iraq is beyond me.


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