Monday, June 14, 2004

Ode to an asshole that shot my cat

First of all I must tell you that I am not particularly an animal lover. I have a cat and a dog but if not for my lovely wife and darling children I would have neither. I am however a hater of those who hurt animals without cause. I would like to have the mother fucker that shot my cat in MY sights. I wouldn't miss and shoot him (or her you never know these days) in the neck. The hollow head that sits on their shoulders would turn into a squishy gob of mush. I use hollow points. First I fully understand an individual getting pissed cause their trash is torn up. Or an animal is shitting all over their yard. I understand that. But in all my years I have never once steped in cat shit in my or anyone elses yard. Now I have stumbled across some under hedges or in sand boxes but never have I cussed a feline for tracking cat shit into my house. Now dogs on the other hand shit anywhere and everywhere. This is the second time my cat has been shot. In broad daylight. Our cat is well fed. You don't have to worry about that. It is terrified of garbage bags. It has no claws! It is fat and useless and just about the most dosile creature on the planet. Some shithead shot him for no fucking reason whatsoever and if I find out who this bastard is he better look the fuck out. He is shooting animals for fun and I don't have to tell you that the most despicable assholes in history have one thing in common. They tortured animals for fun. If he was starving and ate the cat I would not have a problem with it but this useless human being needs to have his chest filled with 150 grains of soft point .30 caliber redemption. I'm so fucking pissed. Hes going to probably be ok but who the hell knows. He'll need antibiotics, and a vet visit. This fucker is going to cost me a few hundred bucks in the end. Not to mention my kids are beside themselves. If there is justice this individual will get hit by a car tomorrow whilst getting his mail. Brains all over the pavement. Ill stand at the curb and laugh till my balls turn blue and point as his worthless life drifts out of his worthless sack. But in this imperfect world he will get away with this and probably do it again and again and have a blast doing it. Just let me catch him. I value the peace of my castle. He has disrupted that peace. He will rue the day he ever fucked with my personal space.


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