Monday, June 21, 2004

Tithing is bullshit.

Tithing. An old custom whereby godloving people give 10 percent of their income to the church to fund Gods work. It is ordained in the Bible to do so in many instances. Passing the hat is as much a part of Christianity as the cross and mangers. Now don't get me wrong. There is absolutly nothing wrong with the idea of Christianity. I myself believe in God and that he created the Universe. I also believe that Jesus was the Messiah and that if you are a good person that you will go to heaven. I kind of suspend disbelief with alot of things that are written in the Bible and take them at their word. However there are aspects of Christianity that drive me up the fuckin wall. Tithing is one of them. I understand that churches need to have funding. It costs alot of money to maintain a nice church I'm sure. However there are churches within a few miles of this very house where a reverand runs a church and the parsonage is a two story, two car garage mansion. Not really a mansion but a 300,000 dollar house easy. Not to mention their son and daughter went to good colleges the daughter drove an SUV and the son drove a Porche 945. Now come on. When I ask myself what would Jesus drive, a Porche 945 isn't exactly what I think of. I have also attended his church from time to time and sat through a surmon on why homos are going to burn in hell. Now the church was full of kids and I find that preaching that a group of people are going to hell is preaching hate. If condeming people to hell isnt hate I dunno what is. Then there is the church up the street I have also attended that the guy literaly screams at you for not getting all hyped and screaming, amen brother! every 10 seconds. Most people in that place did and he will single you out as not allowing the holy spirit to invaid your body if you don't get juiced by his surmon. So that is trying to make someone act insain through peer pressure. So I don't go to church much even though I consider myself a Christian. But this weekend I heard a surmon on the radio of a local church. He was actually saying that you give the 10% of tithes to the church before you make the house payment, before you buy food, water, anything! Now I don't make much. After I get taxes taken from me I only make about 25, 27 thousand a year. If I give my proper tithes I am giving $225 dollars a month to the church. FUCK THAT! If I did that I would be in serious financial trouble. I don't think God wishes for me to suffer in this life due to paying him rent. The guy I heard on the radio said that he didn't want me to give my tithes to pay him. He wanted me to give tithes so that I would be blessed. He also added that if I didn't give tithes that God would get his tithes somehow. Then he said some bullshit about having car accidents and the waterheater breaking. I'll tell you what if God causes my water heater to break or me to get hurt in an accident he's an asshole. Now I don't think God is an asshole. Your water heater breaks because some jackass didn't put it together right or because it wore out. I have never given tithes of 10 percent in my life. I am however blessed. I have things in my life that are Godgiven and give me such true happiness. God is a giving God. He doesn't punish you for stupid shit like not giving 10 percent of what little money you got to the church. Now I know I invest more than 10 percent of my income maintaining my family. My family was given to me by God. I think that my tithes are being paid everyday and I am blessed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a terrible speller and hope you've given up the delusion that is "God". And cheers to you for being so progressive before it was cool.

8:04 PM  

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