Friday, January 28, 2005

Civil War Assured In Iraq

With just a few hours left before the vote in Iraq, I wish to add myself to the throng of nay sayers and pesimists that have condemned Iraqs future. I personally have predicted with almost perfect accuracy what was going to happen in Iraq. I have been pretty much dead on with my predictions about Bushs little experiment. The only thing I was wrong about so far was Americas apparent belief that this is a good thing. America is evidently more stupid than I thought. Anyway I predicted that Iraq would not greet us. I predicted that this would end up like some kind of siege like Chechnia. Look at Falujia for examples of this. I predicted thousands of US casualties..........give us time. We are getting there. I predicted that years later the situation in Iraq would be dire. I predicted that the coalition would begin to disintigrate. I predicted civil war..... In my opinion we are already there. With this election I believe that the Sunnis will rise up and begin an allout war. It all depends on how they are treated. If they are excluded from this government. If they are shut out of the process. I believe that things will begin to deteriorate very soon after the election and the "Coalition of the Willing" will have a full blown Civil War on their hands. It is inevitable. Iraq is a powder keg to begin with. Add to it ethnic strife and it will explode. To their credit the Sheites Sunnis and Kurds have so far been really really patient considering the circumstances. Religious and community leaders have been working together very hard to try and avert this catastrophy that Bush and his cronys are intricately constructing. But if the election alienates any one of them, which it almost can't help but not. Look out.


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