Monday, January 24, 2005

Condi Rice is a Whore

That ugly bitch. I hear about how smart and (ugh!@!) sexy this bitch is one more time, and I think I am going to shoot myself in the brainstem. Number one! This "woman" is possibly the ugliest woman I have ever seen. Now I am not saying this because I find most black women unattractive. There are some attractive black women. But Condi is not one of them. GOP talking dickheads are calling this woman sexy. For the love of GOD what the hell is the matter with you people. These are the same assholes that call Jessica Tandy beautiful. Vivica Fox is beautiful. Not to mention black. Jessica Tandy is an old lady. A nice old lady maybe but not beautiful. Lets not confuse the two. I would bet that I could count the men that are walking around with hardons for Condi on one hand, and I would be far from using all my fingers. She is not sexy. She is not nice. She is not admirable. What she is, is perfect to be the secretary of state. Because what she is is an excellent liar and "yes man". She fits in perfectly to be on Bushs team. Shes lies. Then lies about lying even when her lies are in print, on tape, and shown right in front of her. She makes Clinton look like an amature. The scary thing is people are jacking her off for it. She is encouraged to do this. The American Press and People crucified Clinton when he lied about getting his dick sucked. People were irrate! But now the press and people could care less...............Soldiers were sodomizing Iraqi prisoners? Who cares. Bush and his entire cabinet lied to justify a war? Who cares. 100000 Iraqi civilians have died since we stepped foot on Iraqi soil? Who cares. 1500 Coalition Troops have died since this "Faux" war ended? Who cares. That redheaded ugly kid got advanced on American Idol? WHERES THE FUCKIN JUSTICE (outrage and gnashing of teeth) !!!!! See what I mean? Americans are PATHETIC! I get sick and tired of how damn flipant and blase` we are about everything. Then a 9/11 happens every one sings America the beautiful, puts flags on their cars, and people go out and beat up some arabs, stomping their feet, suddenly so aware. Everyone knows what to do now. Everyone suddenly cares. LET'S DROP SOME BOMBS ON PEOPLE!! Make us all feel reallllly good. Hey I bought into it too. I got all outraged. I wanted to drop bombs on someone too. But hey. I'm an American. But then this other side kicked in. You know. The human side. The side that said, "Isn't it kind of stupid to avenge the killing of 3000 people, with the killing of more people?" And an even deeper part of me said, "If we must kill people to defend ourselves, shouldn't we kill those that attacked us?" Stunning I know. But over and over again we are led to believe, even though they deny it, that Iraq was behind the terrorist attacks, and if they weren't they were thinking about it damn it! Even today, members of my own family, even though they know different, catch themselves trying to tell me that Iraq attacked us first. Come on now. Are we really that stupid? The answer is yes.


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