Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So I was wrong!!!

Well Kerry lost big time. So did the American people in my opinion. Oh well. The lameass Democratic party has alienated me to the point that I refuse to vote unless there is someone worth voting for. Otherwise, who cares. Not much point voting if you dont like any of the candidates. I will continue to be a Democrat but only in the spiritual sense. Until they start acting like Democrats I will stay away. Politics sucks anyway. Bush will not get a free ride from me though. His ass needs thrown out of office. Pathetic excuse for a man. His presidency will be remembered by alot of folks as the time when their son or daughted died, or lost a leg, or an arm, over in Iraq. I can't hardly believe that the people who lost loved ones over there are saying to themselves, "I miss my son/daughter/husband/wife/dad/mom, but it was worth it". Not one of them say that. Mr. Bush convinced us that war in Iraq was for our own good, and that Iraqis everywhere would throw flowers at our feet. The sick and twisted thing is I think Bush really thinks that it IS worth it. The cost in lives and material is worth it to Bush. Unbelievable how disconnected he is. He crys his crocodile tears and says he grieves for the families. So what dickhead!!! Thats not the point you dumb redneck asshole!!!!! The point is, is that it's all so unnecessary! America voted, however, and affirmed Bushs agenda. Now all I can do is shrug my shoulders. I have washed my hands of America and her stupidity. Don't get me wrong I am still an American. I still stand and salute the flag and pledge my allegience to it, but its people are the most retarded, self absorbed, mentaly stagnant, bunch of people I have ever seen. Pathetic people who get their news from 15 second sound bites on faux news. I really am disgusted with these people.


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