Sunday, January 16, 2005

"The accountablility moment has passed" -Bush

"The accountability moment has passed. That moment was the 2004 election!" That's what Bush says to critics of the war in Iraq. That is the most detatched statement from him I have ever heard. Bush acts like as long as the retards in America don't mind if he fucks up, that makes it ok. Well I got news for him. Most Americans don't approve of the war. I'm not one of these simple minded people that thinks you have to support the war to support the troops. Thats a bunch of balony! I do not want our troops to get hurt. I do not want our troops to lose. But I know right and wrong. And the way that our troops are being utilized is wrong. So why the hell should I support the misuse of our troops!? I won't. It's a stupid person that can't diferenciate between thinking this war is bullshit, and not supporting the troops. What the hell does that mean anyway? Support the troops. It's such an ominous sounding phrase. But really what the hell do people do to support our troops. For most? Not a damn thing. Other than not wanting them to die, I really don't do anything. And if you ask the everyday run of the mill person they will tell you the same thing. That is if they are being honest, and that is hard to come by these days. A yellow sticker on your car don't count. Having a son or daughter over there don't count. Over half the guys that I was in bootcamp with got zero letters from home. And they didn't care. Of course that was back during the Clinton days. Their families were all probably worried whether Clinton had sex or not. We were all Godless heathens back then. Before Bush came and showed us all, "The Way". Gimme a break. When I got letters that was the best support I could ever get. The only support that really mattered. Did I care that congress was raking Clinton over the coals? Nope. Did I care that the Senators were impeaching Clinton? Nope. What I think is ironic about that is the same Senators and Congressmen that were impeaching Clinton over a blowjob, while our troops were busy fighting, are the same people that now tell us to not criticise Bush due to supporting the troops. What the hell is up with that!? Oh well. Retarded Americans elected these assholes. I guess that's why they act........ well.... retarded.


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