Thursday, July 15, 2004

Gay what?!

With all the troubles in the world the GOP has once again decided to screw around with an issue that pushes buttons and really accomplishes little. I think I have pinpointed just about all of the useless pointless issues that they have concocted to distract people. To distract them to think about abortion, gay marriage, prayer in school, guns, one nation under god. I could go on but you get the message. All these little issues really dont make a pinch of shit of difference. I can hear someone now thinking, abortions not little!. Well in the whole scheme of things as far as the presidents job is concerned it is. Abortion is going to be around as long as people who don't want children are having sex. Cold hard truth. Gay marriage? Who the fuck cares! They say that it destroys the American family. Well what the hell is the American family? Surely wasn't ever June and Ward Cleaver or the Partridge Family. It destroys the facade that is the image of the American family that GOP assholes want for you. It does that. Prayer in school. Can you think of any more of a non issue. Now I don't care if someone does pray in school. If a person wants to pray in school then I really don't think that anyone will stop them. But think of this. If there was prayer in school and some white kids were going to a mostly muslim school and 5 times a day all the kids got down and faced Mecca and the white kids felt compelled to do it too....... All hell would break loose. I could care less if prayer is in or out of school. I sure as hell won't elect my leaders based on that. Now on to guns. I personaly own several guns. I love to shoot them and think that everyone should if only just to learn how to handel them safely. That is a solution that noone wants to hear. To kids taking guns to school and shooting the place up I mean. Anyway guns are not going to be taken away. Now where I live it is getting increasingly difficult to buy handguns. I have no problem with background checks, waiting periods, and shell casing identification. What I don't like is them telling me what guns I can and can't buy. To exclude guns based on appearance is stupid. Assault style weapons. If I get shot with a legal M1 Garand it is going to blow a hole in me you could shoot a basketball through. Now an AK-47 looks mean. Scary! But the bullet is nowhere near as destructive. If you see a Russian Built AK-47 in can't be imported into the country. If it's already here it will be treated as a pistol and be a regulated firearm. If you buy an AK that is built in the United States it can be considered a non regulated firearm if it meets a certain US made parts count. How stupid is that. Same gun. Different Regs. That is how most of the junky AKs surface. The US built SARs and WSARs and wanna be romaks are all junk. Thats probably the whole idea. Flood the market with junk foreign weapons so that people only want to buy the US made ones. Clears the streets of cheap firearms and simultaniously stoking the more expensive US made Rugers, Colts, and so on. If they really wanted to make a dent in the illegal firearms used in crimes, they need to quit putting potheads and other non-violent drug offenders in jail and make room for those assholes that use guns to rob, rape, maim, and kill. Mandatory sentancing. Stick their asses in jail till they are too feeble to pull the trigger. No exceptions. Libs say rehabilitate them. Gop says to fry them. Me.... I say put their asses in prison and make them suffer with heroin addiction and ass rapes for the rest of their lives. I can't think of any better way to spend our money in this country. Sure as hell beats paying Halliburton to sub-sub-sub-sub contract out building schools in Iraq.


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