Sunday, July 10, 2005


Over the last several months I have heard bits and pieces of what that piece of shit Zell Miller was saying at the GOP Dicksuckers convention last year. For the most part I have ignored it. Just as I ignored all of Rudys speech and most of Arnolds speech. I did see some of Arnies speech however on the Daily Show and found it to be creepy to say the least. Arnold never looked so wooden. He looked like every joint in his body was stiff. When he started with the finger pointing and yelling 4 more years!!! I just about puked. Of course the Repunklickins love Arnie because he made movies about manly men that kill brown skinned people. Anyway I am getting off the point. If people have forgotten Mr. Zell "I'm just an asshole" Miller gave the keynote speech at Mr. Bill "I like oral coitus" Clintons DNC national convention back in 1991. He had very glowing words to say about Democrats and not so glowing words about Republicans. He was also known to be friendly with a Mr. John "No my names not Lurch" Kerry. Now fast forward 10 years and a few book deals later and Miller is all of a sudden been converted to just another one of Bushs Bitches. Being bushs mouthpiece seems to fit his personality of being a blowhard that talks out both sides of his mouth. Did I mention that Zell also likes to write books now that he is unemployed by the State of Georgia? Hmmmmmmmmm. This jackass is just showboating so that he can sell some books. The mans got no integrity. To make matters worse he goes on any show that will take his decrepit ass and spouts some senile ramblings about how he wants to duel Chris Mathews! Well I'll tell you old man. Chris Mathews could probably take you in a straight up fight. He's an old sack of skin. Got a weak ticker. He's gonna go belly up from some ailment that old people get soon and when it happens, I'm gonna laugh out loud long into the night. If all it takes for Zell to want to challenge a man to a duel is to get pissed at him over a TV interview then I got some news for Mr. Zell Miller. I wish I could challenge HIM to a duel! 20 paces with whatever he's got handy. He'd be eatin dirt before my breakfast got cold. Zell Miller is a pussbag. I hope he rots in hell. Mans got no integrity and hes got no standards if he's willing to sell out his own party just so he can sell some books. And to his GOP fans that are shitting themselves because Zells on their side just remember this. If he turned on the DNC he can turn on you just as fast. Hes probably got some books to sell yet.


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