Saturday, July 09, 2005

We still don't get it

After somebody blows up a subway station, a skyscraper, or a bus I always try and ask myself why someone would want to do that. You see. If you want to figure out how to stop these people we first need to find out why it is they are doing it. Bushs and just about every other jackass out there has a typical first reaction. It's the same reaction I had after 911. Someones gotta die! I don't care who! Someone has got to get a JADAM lodged in their epiglotis pronto! But then I started to think. Which is where Bush and me begin to differ. I started to think about what would motivate someone to put a bomb on something that they know innocent people are going to be occupying. Well you need to put yourself in the shoes of a peasant from Beruit. Or a peasant from Palastine. Or a peasant from any other third world shithole. They have come from nothing. They only thing they have is their family and their god. We as Americans pretty much spit on their religion. I mean I am being honest. People will sit around and say "We love the Koran and Muslims". But what they really mean to be saying is, "DIE RAGHEADS DIE!!!!!!!" I have heard so many people just casually say that the only way we are ever going to stop this "problem" is to just kill them all. The Nazis used to call the genocide of the Jews, "The Jewish Problem". Well we lie to oruselves and each other but the truth still gets out in the form of Muslim Extremist propaganda. Yeah it's over the top but the Muslims peasants all over the world get the drift that we could give a rats ass if they live or die. That kind of ties in the family aspect of why the muslims hate us. We have no regard for the lives of Muslims. Or anyone else for that matter. Muslims don't have the market cornered on our apathy. 400 people die on an airliner and the 2 Americans on board get top billing. We leveled an apartment complex in Iraq and killed 64 people. When it was reported it created no more than a slight ripple. It should have been an outrage! Our Army is better than that. Our Army should not have been put in the position that it's in. They are supposed to be protecting America and it's intrests. Instead of looking for WMD they should have been looking for something worth fighting for in Iraq because so far I haven't found anything. Evidently the Army doesn't think so either because they have cut a swath across Iraq killing friend and foe alike. As our troops were heading into Bagdadd Faux news was interviewing a guy and he told about how they killed 1400 people on the mad dash toward the center of town. These Iraqi troops that ran by the hundreds of thousands did not stand and fight Abrams tanks with AKs. They ran their asses off again and chances are most of those killed in Bagdad were civilians. Even today the Iraqis won't fight for their country. A group of supposedly 20000 guerillas have the country held hostage. Are these people retarded? It's been two years! They haven't learned how to shoot an AK yet? Why is it taking so long to train these idiots? Why are there only a few hundred thousand troops in a country with 75 percent unemployment? GET OFF YOUR ASSES IRAQIS AND FIGHT FOR YOUR FUCKIN COUNTRY!!!!! They say we can't leave the country as it is. I say we do just that. I say we build an airbase out in the middle of nowhere and supply the Iraqi government with as many guns and bombs and jets as they need and let them fight it out with these so called terrorists. Fuck the Iraqis. As soon as we turn our backs they will stab us in the back. I say we book our asses out of there before they can do it. Don't get me wrong about our Army. They are just doing what they are told. The policy makers are the assholes who are responsible for this mess. The policy makers have turned our Army that was designed for speed and lethality into a lumbering giant that is tied to one spot. This makes the giant vulnerable and slow to react. Easy pickins for guerillas that only poke their heads out every once and again. We'll continue to get stung until we make ourselves unaccessable to the guerillas. The only way to do that is to let the Iraqis take over the job of security and enforcement of our doctrin. That is claiming the oil for ourselves and Halliburton. I don't care about the Iraqis either. I just want them to stand up and do their own nation building for a change. Fuck that freedom and liberty bullshit. Those are just incendiary words that Bush uses to alienate anyone that don't approve of his war. These guys arent dying for liberty. These soldiers aren't fighting for freedom either. When last I checked I was already free. These guys are fighting for the one thing that still has value. And that's money.


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