Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Noone cares about anything anymore

Noone gives a damn about anything anymore. Me included. Manners and courtesy are no longer anywhere near where they need to be. The celebrityies that we worship are fucking assholes. The last great "hero" was Harrison Ford. If Harrison Ford were caught with drugs or screwing a prostitute I would be shattered. If anyone else gets caught for that crap it matters little to me. Our politicians act as if they are above the law. From top to bottom the corruption is so obvious, but as you know, noone gives a fuck! Our president has been given a free pass to do or say just about anything he wants. Our vice president can tell some guy to fuck himself on the Senate floor and people don't even bat an eye. This is a monument to the corsening of our culture. Rappers can say, do, and act anyway they want and are revered for it. From having sex with underage girls to shooting rival rappers in the streets, all is forgiven. I walk around in Wal-Mart and watch women who look like they are under 20 with 3 kids just screaming at them cursing making me blush. I watch American Idol and watch these stupid fucks come out of their "auditions" and scream and curse because they lost. We reward mediocrity. We have a winner but we don't want to make all the losers feel bad so we play down the fact that someone is better than anyone else. What people used to do and were shamed for is now accepted. I'm not talking about girls having babies out of wedlock or gay people. I'm talking about sending your kids to school dirty and not having pride in anything. This is the America that my kids are being brought up in. An America where they see kids cursing their parents. An America where parents care more about being seen as "cool" than doing their fuckin job. That is raising decent human beings that respect their elders. That realize that hard work is rewarded. That know how to act in public. I personally think that my child is at a disadvantage. My child doesn't hear the cursing 24/7. My child is not allowed to watch movies that show violence or sex. I keep my kids sheltered from bullshit that they are too young to understand. My child doesn't see me smoking dope or laying around drunk all the time. My child sees both parents working but both parents home at the end of the school day. I am being a parent. Some of these asshole consider their children something to be pushed off on someone else. We have left our kids once in the 9 years that we have had them. Went on one 3 day vacation. They have stayed over at relatives houses from time to time but for the most part we are constantly around them. I walk through the mall and grocery store and see really small children just wandering around with noone watching them. That's crazy! I looked at our small town and there are sex offenders that prey on small children living within miles of our house! They are out there. And they are not to be given any more of a chance to impose themselves on my kids than they already have. I have guns and locks and dogs to protect my family from whatever I can but once they leave the front door to school all of my protection is gone. And I have to depend on these other stupid fucks to do it for me. These people that I wouldn't leave my dog with. Now my kids are exposed to other children. Some good kids with parents that have a like mind to my own. And others that have given in to the bullshit of the day and let their kids run rampant through this shitty world. When you run through shit you are gonna get some on you. It's best to take a different road, even if its harder to keep yourself from getting dirty. I realize that there have always been people who are assholes to their kids. Assholes that don't protect their kids from the ills of the world and just let them get knocked down over and over again. It's just that over the years more and more assholes have been created and we are pushing maximum asshole density. Assholes have permeated to the highest branches of government. We have assholes in the oval office, in the supreme court, in the board of education! Assholes have been breeding for centuries and finally they are beginning to take over the world. Jennifer Lopez can spend 2 million dollars on a pair of jeans and instead of outrage at the irresponsibility of that act, we swoon and reward her by watching her shitty movies and listening to her overly voice enhanced "songs". I personally have to believe that all of these narcistic fucktards are going to fucking hell. If they aren't then I will beat their fuckin asses if I ever see them in heaven. Stick my holy baseball bat right between their fuckin eyes. Our president stammers and stumbles around like a fucking advanced alzheimers patient but we allow him to do so because it's just like Jerry Springer. We love to watch people who are more idiotic than we are. That's the only explaination for the success of Jessica Simpson. It makes us feel better about ourselves in this day and age where America is slowly starting to realize that they aren't the end all be all. Japan can build better cars than we can. Chinese people and Mexicans out work and out produce us. 18 other countries are smarter than we are. Austria has a better Luge team than we do! The only things we excell at are killing each other and the exportation of war to the rest of the world. When it comes to that we are tops. I have nothing against guns by the way. I think that most problems could be solved with 150 grains of hot lead, but then again, I am an American. I have that innate weakness of paranoia. In our capitalist society the building of wealth is based on our ability to take from everyone else. Stockholders are happy when a company lays off workers. Fords stock soared last month on the news that they were laying off 30,000 people and closing several American plants. There are only so many trillions of dollars to be had in our economy and the top two percent of wage earners have over 75 percent of it. The rest of us near 300 million people have to get by on the leftovers. And we scrap and scrape to get every last bit of it. Leaving the unfortunate souls at the bottom to fin for themselves. The republicans say that we should cut these people loose. Only problem with that is they are still at the bottom. There will always be a bottom! Don't they realize this?! There has to be a bottom so that they can have their top. Our economy has changed over the years from being a producer to being a service provider. Instead of making the goods, we subcontract the production to the lowest bidder. Then sit back and collect the profits. The middle class then provides services to the upper class. We cook their food, transport their overseas goods, and sell their cheap chinese tshirts. Less and less skill is needed to perform these tasks. Therefore less and less wages are necessary to do them. In the end you will have people that have no buying potential because their wages have been driven so low. Boom. Middle class gone. Mission accomplished. People will think I'm a communist for saying all this. Well fuck you. How bout that. I'm not a communist. I just want America to stop being so fucking greedy. To stop sacrificing our future over 4th quarter profits.


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