Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harleys suck and so do the douches that ride them

I hate Motorcycles. I hate them with a passion. I hate the fuckerfaces that ride them almost as much. With their leather jackets and their homo erotic assless chaps. What a bunch of fucks. I really can't understand the "hobby". Riding a motorcycle requires you to be able to sit for long periods of time.................. stirring I know! I hate golf, but I can understand the appeal. A mans struggle to hit a ball with a skinny stick. It's hard to do, therefore when you accomplish it, you draw a satisfaction from it. Riding a motorcycle is the exact opposite. You get on a bike, and ride it to wherever you're going..............and then you ride it home. You can't talk to your friends because the obnoxious noise coming from their tail pipes is so fucking loud. You can't talk to the fatassed woman that is behind you because the bitch is behind you! All you can do is sit there with your sun glasses and Dale Earnheart muscle shirt, and flex your beergut. These assholes act like it's them against the world. Like their lives are just one long hideous, Bob Segar song. Like, what they are doing is Gods work, and all the unwashed heathens want to do, is stop them. Well I have news for them. It may be sick, but when I hear about one of these stupid fucks wrapping themselves around a tree, there is a secret place in me that squeels with joy. I try to suppress it, but I can't stop laughing. I know you know a "biker". Admit it. If you talk to them long enough, they will eventually tell you about one of their asshole biker friends that died, or was maimed while riding their motorcycle. It's never their fault. It's always someone else. It couldn't be that you are much smaller than a car and are less visible could it!? It couldn't be that you zig zag in and out of traffic like a fuckin lunatic could it? It couldn't POSSIBLY be that a two wheeled bike is 1000 times less stable on the road, that a 4 wheeled vehicle could it? I hate motorcycles in all their forms, and to the short dicked buttheads that ride them, I say, FUCK YOU!