Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Paterno is worthless

In this short life, we as human beings are afforded precious few opportunities to truly make a difference. College football coach ultimately isn't something that a person should hang their hat on. I'm sure Joe Paterno and the talking heads in sports media will attempt to justify his actions with the old,"He did alot of good" excuse. Well that just highlights how hollow and pathetic Joe Pas life has been. Paterno was given an opportunity by God to help these children. To be their savior. To protect others from this gutpile named Sanduski. So after hearing this man was seen forcing sex on a child in HIS FUCKING LOCKER ROOM, he punted. He told the AD and that was it. I just got caught speeding. Was it my first time? Hell no. It had become a habit for me. Continually doing it till one day I was so brazen as to go by a cop doing 80 in a 45. You think a man who was so sick as to be compelled to rape a 10 year old boy in the locker room of one of the most storied football programs in the country, you think this was the only time?! You think a man that was this reckless, was this complacent, a man who had been investigated for inappropriate behavior and contact with children, you think people in the organization didn't know about it?! People knew. Paterno knew. And they did NOTHING. Paternos 50 years as a coach, all the wins, the national championships. They mean nothing. His chance to make a real difference and to save a child's innocence happened long ago, and her turned his back. For what? To save face? The face of his football program? The face of a friend? I know how people like Paterno are. He'll tell himself he did all he could, but deep down he knows. Deep down he's ashamed. The mans
A coward. And I hope he and all those fuckers that put a God damned football program ahead of a child's life burn in fucking hell.


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