Monday, January 16, 2012

Arizona child molester gets 560 years

Over the years I have read some stories that infuriate me. Some of the most egregious offenses come at the hands of child molesters. If all child molesters were exterminated, yes exterminated, this world would have less problems. The fat creepy looking ones, the priest ones, the coach ones, the hot school teacher ones. Put them all in a burlap sack and beat it with a baseball bat till it stops squirming. The sickness they have that compels them to molest a child cannot be cured. That's a fact. What judge has a right to subject a community to a child molester? That's what a judge is doing when he lets one off with a short sentence. He's letting them out to destroy some other families life. Some crimes are so horrendous there should be only one chance. Rapists, and child molesters. People who kill cops and people that kill during a robbery of some kind. All of them should be locked away forever and given the option to kill themselves at any time. There should be a table in their cell with an assortment of nooses and cyanide tablets. Just in case they get
the desire to die and end their suffering. All of them should be given the Bonnie and Clyde treatment. Shoot them down from ambush and let them bleed out where they fall. Only then can we stop this cycle of abuse. And if not at least well know that these dirtbag molesters will never touch a child again. Rant over.


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